What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality?

Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2016 09:23 am
@High Strangeness,
Nice response. And you are right in that Jesus never would have condoned his disciples killing anyone who lived the lifestyle of a homosexual. The point is, now that we are under grace by means of Christ Jesus, people are being given an opportunity to change so as to do things the way God requires.

Note for example 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 where it states: "9 Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God's Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, 10 thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers and extortioners will not inherit God's Kingdom. 11And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean. You have been sanctified; you have been declared righteous in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God."

Note that the apostle is inspired to write the expression: And yet that is what some of you were. This reveals that these ones put away those practices that God forbids. They no longer were those things but had allowed what the Bible teaches and their faith in Jesus saving power to move them past their former course of life. Just as a person who practiced adultery could not expect to have God's favor, so to would it be with a person who practiced homosexual acts as the verse shows.

And we must remember that time is running out. While God has held off on bringing destruction at armageddon, he will not forever do so. Thus now is the time for everyone to use this time of opportunity to bring their lives into harmony with what God requires.
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2016 12:07 am
whos´s god is that? tell me why i should worship your god among the others
High Strangeness
Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2016 12:19 am
Tell me why i should worship your god among the others

What others? Where? Who?
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Reply Sun 9 Oct, 2016 09:40 am
Hey momoends, sorry I'm getting back to you so late. I've been away. Well, the God that I'm talking about is the God of the Bible, Jehovah. Among the reasons that make him worthy of worship is that he truly desires the best for mankind. For example, he and his Son, Jesus, have made it possible for us to have the opportunity to live forever in total perfection and peace.

This means that despite the troubles we see and experience today, soon they will be a thing of the past. Imagine what life on the earth will be like when these texts are fullfilled:

Psalm 37:29 - "Righteous to live on the earth in complete security"
Psalm 46:9 - "All wars to cease, war weapons done away with"
Matthew 5:5 - "Only the meek and peaceable to inherit the earth"
Proverbs 2:22 - "Wicked to be completely removed"
Revelation 21:3, 4 - "All sorrow, suffering, pain and death will be no more"

In his Word he also explains why we suffer today and at the same time reveals Satan to be the true cause of our suffering. God has never been the cause of trails and tests upon good people as James 1:13 shows.

But these are only but a few reasons why Jehovah is worthy of worship.
Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2016 09:08 pm
thats more or less what muslims believe about Alah... think about what Jewish people believe? they don´t believe in Jesus .... About Buda (he was not a God but he considered himself to be "super" human) ... he kind of "preach" the same life lessons you listed on your post....
I´m sorry but you haven´t convinced me yet
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Reply Fri 14 Oct, 2016 09:24 pm
anthony1312002 wrote:

Hey momoends, sorry I'm getting back to you so late. I've been away. Well, the God that I'm talking about is the God of the Bible, Jehovah. Among the reasons that make him worthy of worship is that he truly desires the best for mankind. For example, he and his Son, Jesus, have made it possible for us to have the opportunity to live forever in total perfection and peace.

This means that despite the troubles we see and experience today, soon they will be a thing of the past. Imagine what life on the earth will be like when these texts are fullfilled:

Psalm 37:29 - "Righteous to live on the earth in complete security"
Psalm 46:9 - "All wars to cease, war weapons done away with"
Matthew 5:5 - "Only the meek and peaceable to inherit the earth"
Proverbs 2:22 - "Wicked to be completely removed"
Revelation 21:3, 4 - "All sorrow, suffering, pain and death will be no more"

In his Word he also explains why we suffer today and at the same time reveals Satan to be the true cause of our suffering. God has never been the cause of trails and tests upon good people as James 1:13 shows.

But these are only but a few reasons why Jehovah is worthy of worship.

I always find it funny that people quote the bible as if its a good source for anything.

Its like you go to a hotel, you havent checked in but are wondering how good the service, staff and quality is. Then the bellhop comes over with their brochure and quotes from it.

"At our hotel we provide the best possible service."

"Our staff is the best chosen and hard working."

"We provide the best possible ingredients that make up our food."

You wouldnt ever see;

"You probably would have been better off staying somewhere else."

Do you honestly think the bible would say, "You are fucked, there is no heaven and your life will be unfair with no justice, deal with it."

Its just plain silly to quote the bible as if its meaningful.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2017 11:23 am
I do not know what you by the others. There is only one God. 1 Corinthians 8:6, "But to us there is but One God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in Him; and One Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by Him."
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Reply Fri 22 Feb, 2019 09:47 am
7:80 And [We had sent] Lot when he said to his people, "Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from among the worlds?

11:77 And when Our messengers, [the angels], came to Lot, he was anguished for them and felt for them great discomfort and said, "This is a trying day."

15:59 Except the family of Lot; indeed, we will save them all

21:71 And We delivered him and Lot to the land which We had blessed for the worlds.
26:161 When their brother Lot said to them, "Will you not fear Allah ?

27:55 Do you indeed approach men with desire instead of women? Rather, you are a people behaving ignorantly."

29:26 And Lot believed him. [Abraham] said, "Indeed, I will emigrate to [the service of] my Lord. Indeed, He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise."

37:133 And indeed, Lot was among the messengers.
54:33 The people of Lot denied the warning.
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Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2020 02:14 am
Does the Qur'an teach Sabbath?
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Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2020 04:47 pm
anthony wrote:
Does the Bible allow for true Christians to have a homophobic view of homosexuals, to mistreat and disrespect them? Here is a wonderful article that shows what the Bible teaches about homosexuality and how true Christians should view and treat them with respect. It also shows Christians how they can, in a respectful way, present their beliefs in a way that also generates mutual respect.

Here is what the Bible plainly teaches. We are to Love One Another. PERIOD. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ COMMANDED us to Love One Another, so do it.

Here is what the Bible plainly teaches. Let every man have a wife, and let every woman have a husband. There are no exceptions to this. The ONLY SEX that God approves of, is that between a Husband and his Wife. PERIOD. All other forms of sex is wickedness.

A prophet of God has so informed you of this Truth, the moment you read the above.
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2020 08:42 am
Here is what the Bible plainly teaches. We are to Love One Another. PERIOD. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ COMMANDED us to Love One Another, so do it.

You know Dave, I agree with you as far as the goal goes. But how to get there is a lot tougher thing. The heart wants what it wants. You can’t command Love. You can only love what you see as lovable, and when you do, you don’t have much choice about how to react. It’s just how we were created. Anything else is just pretending.
What we were commanded to do was to look for what is lovable In others. You don’t have to fake it after that. You don’t have to love anything that isn’t.
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2020 08:54 am
Leadfoot wrote:

Here is what the Bible plainly teaches. We are to Love One Another. PERIOD. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ COMMANDED us to Love One Another, so do it.

You know Dave, I agree with you as far as the goal goes. But how to get there is a lot tougher thing. The heart wants what it wants. You can’t command Love. You can only love what you see as lovable, and when you do, you don’t have much choice about how to react. It’s just how we were created. Anything else is just pretending.
What we were commanded to do was to look for what is lovable In others. You don’t have to fake it after that. You don’t have to love anything that isn’t.

You have to learn to see familial love in the rebuke and discipline brothers and sisters give each other when they are legitimately concerned with each others' well-being and not just snipping at each other out of ego-rivalry.

We don't just love family members we care about because they are 'loveable.' We do it because they are also our parents' children, and we honor our parents' love for them by also loving them (i.e. caring about their well-being).

We are all brothers and sisters as children of the same Heavenly Father.
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2020 09:00 am
Tell me, at the conclusion of his plan, what is God going to do with everything that he does not see as lovable?

This has nothing to do with either your ego or mine, so drop the personal bs if you want to discuss theology.
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2020 09:06 am
Leadfoot wrote:

Tell me, at the conclusion of his plan, what is God going to do with everything that he does not see as lovable?

This has nothing to do with either your ego or mine, so drop the personal bs if you want to discuss theology.

'Loveable' is an adjective that presumes that some souls are less beloved than others.

Maybe what you are concerned about is the fact that there are sins that are not beloved, i.e. that God hates sin but loves sinners.

Why don't you answer your own question by looking at the sins that you don't consider 'loveable' and what should be done with those sins and the people/sinners who are captivated by them?
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2020 09:56 am
Why don't you answer your own question by looking at the sins that you don't consider 'loveable' and what should be done with those sins and the people/sinners who are captivated by them?

Thanks for asking.

The Sins? I never mentioned them, just the people, and whether or not there was anything lovable there. It’s kind of a binary thing with me. You're either lovable or not. I can’t make myself love the unlovable. Nor can I accept limits on how many I can love.

One of the biggest lies ever told was that 'God's love is unconditional'. If God does not accept the unlovable, why should we? What’s your take on that?
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2020 05:13 pm
Leadfoot wrote:

Why don't you answer your own question by looking at the sins that you don't consider 'loveable' and what should be done with those sins and the people/sinners who are captivated by them?

Thanks for asking.

I'm glad it worked out.

The Sins? I never mentioned them, just the people, and whether or not there was anything lovable there. It’s kind of a binary thing with me. You're either lovable or not. I can’t make myself love the unlovable. Nor can I accept limits on how many I can love.

Love has limits if you define it in material terms. Spiritually there is no limit to how much good we can wish for others. God's love is unlimited, so why would we want it withheld? Even when it's tough love, it makes things better . . . at least until they fight against it and get worse again.

One of the biggest lies ever told was that 'God's love is unconditional'. If God does not accept the unlovable, why should we? What’s your take on that?

God's love is unconditional. We just don't see love as broadly as it actually is. You think when you're young that good looking heterosexuals are blessed and that being ugly, gay, or whatever is a curse; but as you start seeing all the problems that sexuality and desire and ego, etc. bring with them, you start to realize that you have a head-start on detachment that attractive, popular people have; but materialistic people can't see that because all they see is material beauty, possessions, etc.

Of course, you could also be unattractive and repression of your desire for attractive people becomes so strong that you experience much more attachment/obsession than an attractive person who gets their fill of dating and realizes there is a lot more to life. Then the good-looks are the blessing and the ugly looks are the curse; but either way God is loving you unconditionally, because even if you are experiencing something as a curse, it is eventually going to metamorphosize into some kind of blessing, i.e. because that is just the nature of yen/yang.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 05:10 am
Love has limits if you define it in material terms. Spiritually there is no limit to how much good we can wish for others. God's love is unlimited, so why would we want it withheld? Even when it's tough love, it makes things better . . . at least until they fight against it and get worse again.
Did I define love in material terms? Why did you go there?

'Unconditional love' when looked at closely is nonsense. Describing it as unconditional destroys any value Love might have. A person might not have any redeeming qualities at all, but if they at least want to acquire them, that is admirable and worthy of love. Without that, they are not. That seems to be God's standard, why should I not have the same?

But the thing that convinces me that 'unconditional love' is invalid, is that if it was given to me when I knew there was truly nothing redeemable about me, it would make me feel even more worthless and inadequate. I would want to cease existing. I would have no more value than a rock. Unconditional love is the only kind you can have for the purely material. Is that how you want to be loved?
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 11:01 am
Leadfoot wrote:

Love has limits if you define it in material terms. Spiritually there is no limit to how much good we can wish for others. God's love is unlimited, so why would we want it withheld? Even when it's tough love, it makes things better . . . at least until they fight against it and get worse again.
Did I define love in material terms? Why did you go there?

Because I am just speaking to the topic generally. You assume things are directed to you personally or that they contain assumptions about you, but sometimes people just respond to the general ideas in the post they are responding to.

'Unconditional love' when looked at closely is nonsense. Describing it as unconditional destroys any value Love might have. A person might not have any redeeming qualities at all, but if they at least want to acquire them, that is admirable and worthy of love. Without that, they are not. That seems to be God's standard, why should I not have the same?

The reason there is unconditional love from God is that there is potential in all things for goodness. Everything that exists in the universe serves a purpose and functions as part of the grand design. It's just a question of getting back on track when things have gone awry.

But the thing that convinces me that 'unconditional love' is invalid, is that if it was given to me when I knew there was truly nothing redeemable about me, it would make me feel even more worthless and inadequate. I would want to cease existing. I would have no more value than a rock. Unconditional love is the only kind you can have for the purely material. Is that how you want to be loved?

If a person thinks there is nothing redeemable about them, they are only focusing on the negative and ignoring the potential for good. Is any baby born without the potential for good? Is any living thing designed in a way that makes it purely evil without any potential for manifesting some form of goodness?

It's just a question of trying to ascertain the purpose of things within the grand design of the universe and thus deciding how to deal with them.
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