Quote: It says that almost all the modern body plans emerged during the ~40 (whatever the current guess is) Myrs of the Cambrian explosion. (arachnoids possibly predating that as we have discussed already) I've never said it didn't happen. Once more: I have said I can't see it happening by random mutation and natural selection
The major "bodyplans" were well on the way before the Cambrian. Bilateral and radial symmetry were there. Eyes, circulatory systems, appendages etc were on the rise, and the "notochrod" was already part of a larval stage of a few annelids (gooey worms)
The big thing that the Cam inflation produced was the "Hard shell" ( "tests" made of carbonates or organic polymers such as keratin. These features tied nicely in as consequence to the appearance of cyano bacter at the end of the cryogenian . These critters gave off oxygen farts and life quickly adapted because of chemistry's predeliction to favor proton donors or acceptors and , with the rise of this gas, the entire "alpha helix" became possible , thus giving rise (in a lab we can do this quickly using a catalyst) to things like scales, hairs, insect and trilobite shells, , and cartilage. Calcium Carbonate "clamshells" and phosho mineral that formed Bone rose from the natural acid base reaction between CO2 and Alkali earths (from clays and feldspars).
This goes on even today.
I think you spend too much time thinking that these things were the results of"miracles" or "I believe we needed more time to axxomplih this feat".
Have some more posset, you are suffering from the ague and fluxion of your humours