Its androstenol , apositional isomer of which, (3 BETA-androstenol, acts a a pheromone for humans an pigs). SO, is there q connection ? Pigs hqve a much more sensitive sense of smell and can pick up the "Slightly fetid musty odor of the truffle" Maybe we sense the smell an the pheromonal properties.
(Oysters and a truffle infused dish always gets one laid)--
I had this discussion (sorta) with IZZY da PUSHER the other day and he claimed that he couldnt smell that sulfury smell that our urine takes on after eating asparagus. (Turns out that thae 40% rule of non-smellers, cannot really enjoy asparagus and truffles in the same level)
Some cheeses hqve teeny amounts of the positional isomer and that makes the cheese more enjoyable .
It turns out that the genes that are in line with smelling the slightly fetid smell of truffles as well as the sulfury (its a mercaptan polymer) smell of asparagus pee, ARE THE SAME GENES that make these same people dislike cumin.
So, there are about 3 levels of sniffers
1those who cant smell and dont care for truffles but appreciate cumin
2those who are slight sniffers but like truffles and dont dislike cumin
3 those who are full-on sniffers of truffles and asparagus and love truffles, asparagus, but dont like cumin on their food.
IF that breakdown works, I am in group three.