Tue 19 Apr, 2016 05:55 am
1. We want to launch an HR app in around 3 months. What are the main things we should do and when?
2. What should we do to increase our landing page traffic and have a large target audience base before the launch?
3. Any good outline/schedule templates you can link to?
4. Top things to focus on?
- Read up on Agile development practices and follow them
- Research your market. It will be a waste of time and talent if you don't do this.
- Use Project Libre and make your own schedule. No one here can do that for you unless you feel like giving them a cut of your profits. This is all going to be intimately related to your development
- Rethink your schedule. Testing can sometimes take that long, all by itself. You are going to test this app, right?
Seriously, the first thing I thought of when I saw your question was/is to tack on another 3 months to the timeline. Yours is exceptionally, unrealistically optimistic. Unless you don't feel like making a profit.