The Psalms thing was just some comedy relief on my part. However, what is even more funny is you believing that the god forced me to the ground when I was on my way to an appointment.
I find Deuteronomy 13 much, much more interesting. Let's get back to that.
Well, after reading the chapter, it is apparent that the god condoned and encouraged violent, deadly force against humans who wished to exercise their free will to worship the god of their choice. It is also apparent that anyone who could demonstrate abilities beyond the norm was also the object of the god's hate. And the god also encouraged the destruction of cities in the name of being no. 1 god of the realm. Thank god for modern human laws against such godly things.
Oddly, this does not dissuade modern people from being drawn to this god. It is extremely counter intuitive to love such a being. In view of the thirteenth chapter of Deuteronomy, as well as the thirty-first chapter of Numbers, perhaps it is a fear of not loving the god that is the driving force behind their allegiance . . .