Sat 14 Aug, 2004 04:21 am
I heard this song on the radio years ago and I would really like to get it, but I don't know the name or artist. I do, however remember what it is about:
This song tells a story, similar to a Johnny Cash type song. It takes place during a war time, and is about a soldier who is injured, but who is rescued by another soldier. The rescued soldier finds out the next day that the soldier who rescued him had died a couple of days ago.
Its a neat twist to the story, the gist of it is that the soldier had been rescued by a ghost.
Please let me know if you have heard this song and have any clues to help me identify it.
It sounds familiar, but let's get it into circulation so our song gurus can take a crack at it. And welcome to A2K
I think the song is called Camouflage. But I can't remember who sings it.
Welcome to A2K, jdahle!
Thats it!
Wow you guys are fast! I found the song on iTunes, it is "Camouflage" by Stan Ridgway. Thanks, I'm going to buy it immediately.
Yeah jd and this girl is German...pretty amazing!
Stan Ridgeway, Wall of Voodoo, Mexican Radio, did a great piece on the all-star Brecht-Weill tribute album (where Sting sang 'Mack The Knife'), but for the life of me, I can't remember what song Stan sang...