The Aga is a scientifically desiged wonder which, originally, burned coke - a thowaway product of the domestic Gas industry.
It burns its fuel 100% in a very small firebox and stores the heat in the massive iron construction. It achieves this by using the (normally) waste heat that goes up the chimney to preheat the fuel.
As a consequence it cannot maintain a sufficiently-night chimney temperature to keep a draught flowing and utilises a by-pass tube to pump hot air up the chimney - which is why they are so difficult to kindle.
The stove you describe is essentially a catering version. You require an AGA-C (cooker only) or an AGA-CB (cooker-boiler) which can supply domestic hot water.
Your model will be much too big, much too heavy and much too expensive to run in a normal hiome. A CB, (Hot plate, simmwring plate, hot oven, simmerring oven and hot water (not for house heating) is great on grounds of economy. It cannot be shut down (takes 3 days to cool/reach oprating temperature) and if properly installed and maintained will run for years without trouble - just clear fine ash every moring and fill with fuel, clear ash every evening and re-fuel + if you forget will remain for 24-30 hours without attention - just add a little fuel and it will re-ignite. A great constant source of background heat in house.
Buy godd hard fuel (anthracite) : difficult to run on wood which requires top draught.
Ken Green