Tue 15 Dec, 2015 05:39 pm
Hello, the cost of my mobile internet data has just gone up a lot and I'm paying quite a lot for sky TV and broadband. I was thinking of getting rid of sky and reducing the mobile data allowance on my phone and getting some kind of portable internet device to use for my tv and mobile. Does anyone know if anything like this exists? And how much data I'm likely to need? I used to have 6gb on my mobile and use the wifi on it at home and record a few shows a day and maybe watch a few programmes on catch up per day.
Any advice would be fab as I'm just getting confused the more I look at things 😕 Also I was thinking about getting one of the one off fee boxes for my tv.. Anyone know if there's any your still able to record on and watch catch up? And also how much internet they use?
Karan 😊