My Ideas of Religious Reality.

Reply Mon 14 Dec, 2015 09:13 pm
Religion is about control. From “Year One”, Religion was and in some non industrial age countries, is about political power. By using an imaginary powerful magical god, tribes support leaders who invoke powerful god(s) in doing tribal leaders biddings. What allows tribal communities to believe rulers and priests are controlling god(s) magic, organising communities, is communities fear of unknown events without priests and ruling classes. Without hierarchical systems to protect communities from enemies and organise food production and distribution, society would fall into chaos. The past has rulers even calling themselves Lords and living gods.

Humans ability for creating language, children's emotional self-programming what feels good is true, what feels bad is false analogies. Humans ability to repress fearful memories. Priests constant reminders of: human fragility; sinful behaviours; cleansing of sins; afterlife rewards in heaven; fearful punishments in hell; judgement day. Priests have calculated human behaviours to priests advantages.
Human behaviours to believe what humans are told without humans doubting alternative motives has allowed humans to be easily influenced by: words; religious ceremonies; colourful images; inspirational buildings and symbolic icons, crowns and traditional holly oils rituals; long time ago magical stories. Humans self-programming desires to hear entertaining stories learning, has priests teaching pointless fantasy, manipulating children's human development. Human adults prompting childhood memories analogies. Humans feeling intelligent no remembering what were childhood learnt to a point of obsession.
Believing in a religion should be and is considered a psychological disorder.
Richard Dawkins and other intellectuals are stated to have claimed that forcing religion onto young children is paramount to child abuse.

You cannot correctly discuss religion without discussing political power. Both concepts are one concern, supporting each other.
The opportunity to understand manipulating power of religion on learning childhood human psychology. Supported by Catholic Church ideas “if the church can convince aged 5 years children to be Catholic, the church has got them for life”.

I state that children's desire to learn, quickly understand and believe, have modern children anecdotally believing in democratic systems, adding to human feelings of understanding moving forward intelligence. A belief in understanding what's happening around communities, aids defending something that defends human life, in a local community. I claim that old tricks in child learning in education and media are used in present societies, hurrying child memories into believing what children are told by authorities to be feel good true.
I claim that most psychological problems: depression; ADD; ADHD; bipolar, are directly caused by tormenting, mentally stressful, long term traumatising education systems. Where religion had people worrying about getting into heaven, keeping out of hell. Education makes students worry about future employment, forcing obedience and reduced independent skilled thought onto unsuspecting children. Democracy supporting capitalism is a new religion believers worship and militarily defend.

Even though democracy is believed, in reality democracy is too good to be true. A fantasy of democracy is used to force human acceptance on a natural selection employment opportunities, graded by a repressing memory learning behaviour education. Long hours of pretend learning conditions human behaviours of learning to be repressed by mental stress, traumatising long term learning experiences. Even though successful students complete task successfully, traumas felts to obtain grades punish future desires to learn. Students least influenced by negative reinforcing learning move into increased negative reinforcing learning higher education studying. Further punishing any future desire to think to remember learning material. In past agricultural societies, what allowed children through to death to believe in a chosen religion were the in between periods of zombie repetitive farm work, constant: symbolic reminders; social comments; parent belief programming; prominent church buildings. Modern education allows humans to believe in chosen political and economic systems using constant: media political news; media reports on fearful wars, violent crimes and terrorism; science and medical research advancements; longer life with retirements benefits. Modern societies experiencing a belief of improvements, support democracy governments that support economic systems that often hold and invest monetary savings, money often being lost in periodic economic down turns.

Beginning of religion.
Two and half to three thousand plus years ago, tribes chose verbally capable to speak, convincing people to organise: food crops; perform religious rituals; organising defending tribal territory from neighbouring enemies. Two and a half thousand years ago these leaders turned themselves into birth right ruling class religious leaders based on self-assumed what god wanted from tribes, invented book knowledge. Leaders pretended to be in control of a single god's or many gods' magic. God's rules had to be obeyed, or god's care takers of rules' priests and or leaders would punish disobedient followers.
What allows tribal communities to believe what religious leaders state as god given rights to lead tribes, passing religious leaderships down through blood line birthright generations, are developed human childhood learning psychological driven beliefs, humans build in believing what's believed correct programmed memories. Memories reinforced by emotional self-programming fears of probable punishments from the gods in some afterlife and or entrenched living leaders.
A class of god given right nobility aristocracy bidding for favour from a single anointed by holly oil in a religious ceremony blood line leader, king or emperor. Wearing selective colours and fashionable dress, reinforces class divided societies. Peasant and ruling class divided societies are excepted due to many years of cultural development derived from the wealth of religious divine right, military power, pre-existing peasant class generation after generation excepted self-conditioning.

Human behaviours are not as intelligent as humans feel themselves to be intelligent. Human brains, beginning in childhood years can be trained to be easily fooled. The idea that by allowing an aged 5 years child to believe in something, that child will believe that something to be true for their entire life.

Religious beliefs are a psychological disorder. By understanding how children program themselves, truly intelligent thought can know what is happening to people influenced by religions.

Generations of leaders, have been passing written down accumulated ideas on to each next generation of leaders. Generations of leaders have had human behaviours explained so that continued generations lead tribal communities without losing control when controls need to be maximised during times of tribal hardship.

Modern education is a replacement tool repressing new learning conditioning. Where early childhood farming and building labours used to increase family wealth prier to forced government hurrying education keep children occupied from individual thought, holding children in inexperienced basic language skills thought zombie dumb states. Developing middle class more wealthy parents may have not needed their children to work, leaving middle class children to develop thinking skills, eventually developing independent personal opinions. Passing personal opinions onto other people.
I pose that boarding schools were introduced, following the religious reformation, redirecting middle class childhood learning onto learning Greek and Latin distractions. Shakespearian plays and similar literature became an introduced alternative dummying distraction from individual thought redirection to that of the bible. Eventually bibles introduced in native speaking languages.

Finding Heretics.
My beliefs prompted by selective media entertainments and media documentaries, religions over millenniums have used religious stories that contain ideas within the stories to sort-out as in finding humans who have failed to be self-programmed into believing what religious leaders want common people to believe, that being that leaders are not to be questioned and or disobeyed by peasant classes.

Human brains can be guided towards either being very intelligent or very dumb and some degree of in between very dumb and very intelligent intelligence. Leaders don't like intelligent thinkers, particularly intelligent thinkers outside to their own class. Leaders have developed ideas that leaderships have saved humanity from chaotic human selfish behaviours, leaders rewarding themselves with luxurious lifestyles. Leaders divine right to rule, having been influenced by narcissism self-esteem, treat lower working classes as though their existence depends on their landowner birthright Lords. Peasant classes must believe in ruler's right to rule otherwise there is a loss of leadership influence.

The best way for leaderships to maintain the allusion of being in charge is by performing religious ceremonies, rituals, praying to god, singing god's praise, conducting sermons from pulpits on moral behaviours. Sermons containing warnings of sinful behaviours and importantly warnings of unbeliever heretics.
An idea that priests conducting sermons on sinful immoral behaviour won't be immoral themselves. As a strong moral religion, leaders defending local religions, leaders won't do bad things to devoted religious communities.
By cleansing tribal communities of heretics, heretics being people who can think, capable of doubt, leaders seen publicly executing by burning heretics. Fear of being accused of heresy guides child-like human self-programming towards believing religious stories containing evil intentions have actually happened truths rather than mere metaphoric parable story future predictions.

Jesus the accused heretic threats.
Generations of leaders being so concerned of maintaining their leadership, populations enslaved in building inspiring religious “house of god” churches. A man seen nailed to a cross in every church, to inspire religious devotion for some invented idea of “Jesus returns judgement day” life after death resurrection out of sanctified church grave yards.

My above ideas that religion is about leadership control, money and threats of heresy persecution. Christian' Jesus story contains both money and threats of being human sacrificed as a heretic if exposing priests for tricking religious congregations out of their money, through the Jesus story, threats of being accused of heresy are consistently continued right up to today's symbolic pentagram and 'X' warnings.

As histories rulers have often had Inquisitions and public executions to warn witnessing crowds to behaviour themselves, otherwise wrong doers may find themselves being executed, allowing rulers to be cruel to populations, enslaving workers into poverty. The Jesus story is a public execution warning printed in a book educated into congregations memories.

Unclear statements have many people believing Jesus was a god being god's only son. Google “demigod” to find a list of people who believed a god visited their mother at night, had sex with their mother, resulting in a pregnancy. My assumption was that unmarried women and women with husbands being far away at time of fertilisation of pregnancies. Women having illegal unaccepted by society' sex, becoming pregnant, would say a god visited them in the night, had sex with them, getting them pregnant. Ancient times, women weren't supposed to have sex until married. Women could be stoned for adultery and unmarried pregnancy.
Jesus' mother Mary, having a virgin birth, god having had sex with Mary, is a spin-off from unmarried pregnancy, blame it on god. I have seen one documentary and one weekend day time religious story about Mary having become pregnant by a man, the story failed to elaborate. Joseph having been married before, Joseph's first wife having passed away, Joseph marries Mary, so Mary wouldn't be stoned. James being said to be Jesus' brother, was half brother by marriage, James being born from Joseph's previous wife. James having no blood line relationship to Jesus. Readers need to remember that parable stories by dictionary description are not needed to be true. All Jesus stories (having no real evidence) are invented parable stories to aid threatening people after realising doubtful analogies and evidence.

As Jesus tips money tables over on Jerusalem temple steps. At that moment temple priests decided to get rid of Jesus. Temple priests tried to get Jesus to preach to Jesus followers 'not to pay Roman taxes to Rome', getting Jesus arrested by Roman soldiers. Jesus replying, “pay what is due to Rome and pay what is due to god”. Priests having failed to get Jesus arrested. Jesus was induced into making verbal statements of heresy. Rushed through night court. Judas's betrayal: Kiss in a garden, priests would have known who Jesus was; 30 pieces of silver, 3 is the number of death: birth = 1, life = 2, death = 3, the circle of life = 0. Adding to religious symbolism reminders.
The story of the Roman governor asking a crowd whether to free a common thief or Jesus. The Jesus story has temple priests placing people in the crowd, demanding the thief to be set free. Leaving Jesus to die on the cross.
The entire Jesus Jerusalem story is a parable story threat to anyone who can understand the story, to whoever challenges Christian religion as a manipulating trick. Anyone capable of intelligent thought, being prompted to and or realising bible stories more thought provoking ideas, on informing friends of their bible stories alternative meaningful conclusions. Friends awareness of bible stories preached to peasant believed priests' stated ideas, friends suddenly prompted to think that priests version of bible stories are wrong, thinking traumas of being prompted to think, fearing being accused of heresy themselves, take on the role of Judas by informing local priests of friend's stated heresies. Periodic Inquisitions will increase chances of being discovered as a Jesus condemned to death heretic. Catholics wearing crosses around necks reminds people of Jesus sacrifice story. Google “pentagram five wounds of Jesus” to read modern societies reasons for everyday to be seen pentagrams.

Other reinterpreted (used to trap people) heresy parable story ideas embedded in religious stories are in old testament bible stories. By Googling “Moses with horns” Christian images carved in stone by Michael Angelo, located in the Vatican and artistic paintings painted before year 1600, of Moses with horns; a pre1600 painting of Moses being see with a devil, and a pre1600 painting of a devil figure whispering in Moses' ear. The idea that Moses was being influenced by the devil? Instead of being influenced by a human image God, the human looking magical god most people believe created the world in seven literal days. The religious interpretation of Moses with Horns is that divine light is coming out of Moses head.
Incorrectly interpretation of Moses divine light coming out of Moses head may well lead to accusations of heresy.

Why some religions insist Abraham's god is the god that their devotional religion is praying to, is as I determine... Abraham was a goat herder. That Abraham would have been paying to a god that looked like a goat. The evidence for this heresy is that the other god of that time, the population inhabitants of Cannon prayed to was Baal. Baal is depicted as an image of a bull, that I assume because cows are flat land dwellers that eat grass. Abraham being a nomad desert dweller, Abraham's tribe would be reliant on goats for food and clothing resources, Abraham would have been praying to a goat looking god.
The devil is depicted as three different animals: one animal is a ram, one other animal is a bull. The devil having horns is a god of horned animals. It makes sense to think that a god who wanted human sacrifice tributes from humans who were eating animal flesh, would be an animal god.
Ideas of “war is hell”, persistent Googling “images of hell”, can find: animals eating naked humans; boiling naked humans in pots; a bird eating naked humans. War is a period where animals humans have been eating are eating humans. War is the devil's sacrifice' end of time' Apocalypse period.

In Genesis, God created the world in six days. On the seventh day god went away to rest. Pope Francis stating a Genesis day is not a literal day, that a Genesis day is a period of time. The Catholic Church has no conflict with Darwinism theory. I was informed by an Australian Sydney suburb Baptist church minister during an after Sunday evening service, youth group meeting serving coffee or tea, around year 1972, of the same “one Genesis day is not a literal day, that a Genesis day was a length of time”. The Baptist minister also stated that god was everything, mentioning a power point on the wall as exampling one item of everything. The Baptist minister did not mention a magical god while mentioning various godly items. The following Sunday evening service, the Baptist minister was seen praying to god like an actual magical god existed. I conclude that the metaphor parable idea of God who created the world in six days is still on his seventh day of rest. When God returns from god's day of rest to find Adam and Eve have eaten forbidden fruit of knowledge, God's banishing Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden is the end of time Apocalypse, end of the bible St Johns, last chapter.
After an Apocalypse event ends, returning to Adam, return to the beginning, to the bible's Genesis first chapter. The many bible stories are about instances of death fear sinful story punishments for not obeying ruling class god's man made many laws.
In Genesis, the snake on the tree of forbidden fruit represents the church. Teaching shame to Adam and Eve. I assume why a snake was chosen to represent the church is due to a symbol of a snake seen biting its own tail. Google “snake biting its own tail” for symbolism ideas of circle of life. Other heard ideas are that the snake is the devil.

Two: 1967 and 2000, movies entitled “Bedazzled”, has a devil signing a contract with a man so that man will be advised on how to obtain sex from a chosen female, parable story.
An often shown Simpsons episode, Flanders looking like a devil, signs a contract with Homer for Homer's soul, in exchange for Homer eating a doughnut, Homer eventually eats the doughnut. At a given time the devil gets Homer's soul. Eventually, Marge produces a prier signed by Homer contract stating Marge owned Homer's soul.
I conclude that Christian baptism is signing a contract with the church, that the church looks after believers up to the end of life.

When god stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son, Issac. God provided an alternative sacrifice in the form of a lamb or ram.
At the end of the Noah's Ark bible metaphoric Apocalypse story. God stated to Noah that “I (god) would not do this again, that herbs are free needing no tribute”, yet, depending on which published bible is being read, God not saying anything about humans' animal consumption, god saying “from time to time a tribute will be given”. That tribute given may well be a period of war.
When Jesus is sometimes mentioned as the “Lamb of God”, the chosen one, that to realise what is mentioned in the new testament, readers have to refer to the old testament bible.
My heresy belief is that Abraham was a leader of his tribe. That leaders of tribes humorously consider themselves as living gods. As living gods, leaders don't sacrifice they're children. Jesus symbolises the peasantry being sacrificed, Jesus is god's chosen one “the Lamb of God” that Abraham sacrifices instead of Issac.

English House of Lords could be humorously thought of by members of The House of Lords as a house of living gods. Religious prayers and songs referring to “Lord thy god”, could have been written at the time prayers and songs were written to amuse people who were “in the Know”. Ideas like “forgive those who trespass against us”; “thank the Lord for our daily bread”, Lord's prayer, seems self-idealistic to a ruling class that was aware of the power of manipulating religious teachings.

The Trinity: the father; the son; and the holly ghost or holly spirit. My 1998 Encarta CD disc' reading on the Trinity, states: The Father are the priests; the son is Jesus, representing the peasantry; the holly spirit is the strength of belief congregations have in the religion. The reading is very long as many readings are, that if readers are missing the one statement sentence, readers will conclude zero worthwhile information.

Jesus is about: the Jewish Apocalypse; the end of time; resurrection; the return of Jesus, judgement day. Bible stories are a child-like behaviour emotional decision making person's pick list of: anything believers feel they like and or ignore anything believers feel they don't like. The resurrection may mean return to Adam, a new beginning, women having many children after Apocalypse wars end. In any of my understanding, resurrection is women having children. The “holly grail” is the word grail “a girl”. No drinking cups exist on the table in the last supper De Vinci painting. That the De Vinci movie states St John was Mary Magdalene, the wife of Jesus. As a parable idea, I assume she is any woman and or all women.

Psychological Persuasions.
Human childhood brains are easily influenced into believing: feel good beliefs; repressing fearful hell-fear devilish punishments.
My many typed out readings on psychology, myself ignoring Freudian readings to be little more than confusing and misleading propaganda. The primitive Neanderthal brain emotional self-programming works for Darwinian natural selection animal hunting, nut and berry fruit gathering societies.
I conclude, using my zero emotional decision making behaviours. Human brains aged 7 years would have learnt how best to decide daily events with minimal emotional stimulation: fear prompting and endorphins rewards when events turn out positive.
Millenniums of ruling class leaders have worked out that by keeping populations busy: working in the fields; building fortress and church buildings; getting ready for war; praying to god; attending religious functions, human populations fail to disregard hurried emotional stimulation rewards and fail to disregard fear prompting emotionally driven misunderstood decision making behaviours. Societies that promote quick repetitive physical movement decisions, rarely stopping to think, consuming spare thoughts with religious ideology, are being turned into obedient robot zombies.
My often continued accusations that religious and government sponsored education, commencing childhood education aged 5 and 6 years, prolongs human brain developments behaviours into maintaining fear repression sliding into depression, hurried feel good self-esteem self-programming self-medicating. That if it's not religion that's being believed, politics and transparency media pulpit religious beliefs in democracy are the new religious persuaders. That: printing presses; visual media are the new propaganda communication dummying methods, redirecting advanced Homo-Sapien creative experiences, and or producing human productive independent heretic thought.
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