Why should I believe you? Seems to me that the beliefs in these gods are MAJOR reasons why humans can't/won't even live in harmony with each other, much less nature. Logic tells me to reject beliefs in invisible, undetectable gods, and to be skeptical about people like you who make grand claims without providing evidence.
There is only a sense of life , when there is a creator of the universe .
Or it is equal for you to live senseless !
I don't have a creator and I see plenty of sense in life. What's your problem such that you need an invisible, undetectable guy-in-the-sky in order to make sense of things?
Your life is almost senseless . Without creator NO sense of life !
Why? I experience no creator and at the same time I experience very logical, rational, emotive and empirical senses to life. Why can't/don't you? Why do you need to create a creator?
From the point of view of an investigation of psychological morbidity, this joker is mildly interesting. We have this arrogant, dictatorial holy roller to tell us what we must believe, and that if we don't, we're worthless. That is so common among holy rollers, that there would be little interest. However, this joker wants to pursue his personal mission in a language in which he is barely coherent. To what end? An acknowledgement that his native language is not widely spoken? A recognition that English is the globval lingua franca?
But only a slight interest. Otherwise, this joker is just your typical religious Nazi.
Where? You haven't explained anything. You've only declared that you're the ONE AND ONLY SPECIAL HUMAN WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH!!!! No different than the hundreds of others who have made the same claim and failed to produce results. Boring. Show us something. Like evidence.
Yeah...beat him up, Guys. Show him how wrong he is.
Long hanging fruit will always be your strong suit!