Thu 10 Dec, 2015 10:36 am
First of all, I'm going to start off by mentioning that I am NOT a homophobe. My boyfriend recently took a trip and had to stay in a hotel witn a fairly small group of coleagues. From what he's told me, he began having a discussion with two of the guys who he was closer to and it ended up with the two guys kissing him lip to lip....I'm not sure how to feel about this and I need some advice...
How does he feel about it?
Is he attracted to either/both of these guys? This isn't something that typically occurs on trips.
He's never shown interest in either of them and he said he wasn't the one who engaged the kiss first but now I feel like I'm not enough...he says he loves me and he doesn't love anyone else but I'm unsure of myself now.
Asked him about it tell him it makes you wonder
btw answer my question