Can someone explain please, why the reasoning above, is not defective?
Purpose, reason, and company, are all a by-product of the limitations to human affluent existence.
If you are a supreme, ultra capable being, you cannot possess the above, just like you cannot construct a useful bridge, if there is no need for one.
Reason, is the art of connecting separate things (dilemma and resolution), through having the combination resolving our challenges.
Giving account of your debits to your financial advisor, and explaining that debit to the airline, that it was required in order to get you to the overseas business meeting,
Is only valid, if you don't own the airline.
To the designer and boss of the universe, all these by products like reason and meaning, are not available,
If he paid for that air ticket, it was money in the garbage,
Same if he rapped, murdered, and tortured trillions of humans over the ages.
That was a waste, unexplainable by human excuses.
If I was to design a vhicle, that will intensly tempt drivers to drive reckless and crash,
Would I avoid punishment in court for the numerous resulting accidents, by explaining the drivers had a tiny spec if free will?
We live in a box, painting everything outside the box, with the same attributes that are applicable to the box area exclusively.
This involves, disrespecting location based realities, and applying them in a climate and habitat, they do not belong to.
On your next trip to Baijing, please use your gps with only us maps.
In the pet shop,
Please select some stunning fish, but instead of placing them in the aquarium, please sit them on the little table next to your sofa, and expect them to live a long productive life up there, just like a rabbit would.