Thu 26 Nov, 2015 01:21 pm
What does this new zeland idiom means? if you dig too deep in the hangi pit, then you're never gonna eat your kumara?
I was watching a tv show (800 words s01e06) at
@14:21 and i cant' - as the character - understand what the kiwi guy says. I know kumara is sweet potato and hangi is a traditional food, but what does this expression means?
A hangi is a traditional New Zealand Maori outdoor cooking method, a bit like a barbecue. You dig a pit and heat up a bunch of rocks or bricks in a fire for several hours. When they are good and hot you put them in the pit and put a lot of meat and vegetables among them including kumara (sweet potatoes). Then you cover it with sacks and then fill the pit in with earth and wait several hours until it is all cooked and finally you dig the cooked food out and have a feast. I guess the idiom is saying if you dig too deep in the pit you are going to miss eating the food, so it's kind of like saying don't over concentrate on a minor detail and miss the point of the activity you are engaged in.
Of course i googled about before asking, so....
I'd like to know more precisely, because by intuitn i can also.
But i think it has a menaning, in their kiwi culture, that i'd like to understand better