those 800mill people are already enlightened, so to speak, as the need for enlightenment only arises out of all survival needs and desires being met, and hence a feeling of no meaning in life arising. they live for the purpose of finding food, if they can't, they die. that is a fulfilling life. it is only money minded people who think that having all the food and luxury in the world is a more fulfilling life. but it isn't, as psychological problems like depression and anxiety are steadily on the rise, and more so amongst affluent people. what is the point of living with everything, but constantly not enjoying life? go out in the wild and starve yourself for a few days, and then see how you go about finding food. in that time, see if you are sad/depressed/suffering, or if you are on an adrenaline rush with the sole aim of finding food. that is living. basically, the mind or ego evolves as it gets more of what it wants. once it gets too much, it becomes useless as it can never be fully satisfied, as it only came into existence for survival. if survival is definite, the mind will be infinitely dissatisfied. enlightenment, or going beyond mind, is the only cure for this.
now with regard to enlightenment itself, if you negate the possibility of such a thing, aren't you also simply preening yourself on the excellence of your understanding? you are the one saying intellectual understanding is everything, so who is the one who is conceited about their understanding? my idea of enlightenment is going beyond intellectual understanding, as the intellect cannot understand anything other than concepts created by ego. the buddhist monks who 'contribute nothing to society' actually contribute plenty in terms of enlightening others. but because you only see value in money, you say they contribute nothing. people who feed them do it happily and want to do it.
if you feel that people who speak about enlightenment are conceited, arrogant, condescending etc, it can only be because you know within yourself that you haven't found such a thing, and are worried that it may be possible, and you are missing out, and so you quickly negate that possibility and label those who speak about it as such.