Sat 31 Jul, 2004 07:51 am
People buy stinkers of CDs; are goaded into seeing concerts of some random band by half-friends; download bad music obliviously, and later realise. It happens to everyone.
So, I thought that I would make the Avoid These thread. If you find that a particular song, band, album, whatever, is/was rather bad, post your de-recommendation here. Don't worry about people's different tastes. If any of us have differing opinions, we can always argue
Please avoid ANYTHING by the band Offspring. Nuff said.
Never, Ever buy anything by an Iowa band . . .
There are Iowa bands? Playing kettles and things?
Before people get the wrong impression-- I know that everyone has divergent musical tastes. This thread isn't so much a blanket code on what shouldn't be listened to, but, rather, a recollection of things that you found awful, past and present.
Now that Wilso's not around much, John Farnham.
I've never heard of John Farnham, Cav; what is bad about him?
Hey, watch what you're saying about them ioway bands there, Setanta. Oh yea, Slipknot is very bad, but that's just one.
The Aussies on this board would be able to tell you. Besides poor Wilso, he seems to enrage Aussies, despite being one of their best-selling artists of all time.,,429260,00.html?artist=John+Farnham
Slipknot is awful, I agree. So-- what Iowan bands would you recommend, Swimpy?
Greg Brown, Dave Zollo, Bo Ramsey, Pieta Brown, House of Large Sizes...
Here's a link to others
[quote="Iowan music"]The Banjoy band[/quote]
With a name like that, it has to be good. But, seriously-- I wonder which city produces the highest number of failed musicians...
(p.s. Thanks for the link, Swimpy; it was interesting.)