actually, the concept of a "god" is only a topic of conversation when Im in the company of religious folks. They seem astounded that I dont "believe" like they, even though I was raised in a devout Catholic , Russian Orthodox/jewish heritage.
The Jews have it best. Their god is a transcendental figure of the old testament, the concept of a personal. imminent god is not part of their worldview. AS is also, a rejection of an afterlife.
I feel comfortable in that there is sufficient evidence to show the planet nd the universe obeys known laws of physics, chemitry, geology, and bio.
Many of the religious, rather than just feeling comfortable with their own belief, seem to want to feel that they "know" what makes me tick and how much more complete my life would be with a personal god.
History recounts the "invention and evolution" of the gods . That is about the only thing we can fully test about such worldviews,( their timelines.)
Trying to understand the laws of biology and chemistry and "force fitting" them into your own worldview is really a difficult task IMHO. I dont know where youd begin.
You stated earlier that science is trying to reverse engineer into the dawn of life. That is true, but in no case (At least none Im aware of) has this reverse engineering NOT related itself to existing (natural) conditions on the planet as we can discern from other worlds.
Religions cannot do that at all, they try to adopt some pieces of scientific evidence, but in so doing, they must ignore (or worse) reject entire scientific concepts. (like Uniformitarinism or Superposition, or Dollos LAw or even radioisotopic decay).Also, a favorite religious "buy-in" is the well worn concept that all of history and geology, has led to us. Religion sort of forces you to buy that teleological path. Geology evidence disagrees. Im sort of certain that you have trouble with a fully opportunistic web of life, with no direction . However, it doesnt bother me if you have trouble with it, Im sure you try to come up with some sort of "plan and intelligence behind the plan"
I think that Its waay easier to really follow the easiest pathways of physical reactions and carefully analyze what evidence exists and shows us .