Articles are generally intended to be short and to express a point of view while (perhaps; you don't really do this if it's a slanted editorial, which is a perfectly legitimate form of an article) giving some voice to other POVs.
Let's say the article was about building a new highway in town. If you're for it, then by all means most of the article is going to be the positives. With good research, you should be showing what other people think, such as through quotes lifted from transcribed interviews.
The mayor came out in favor of the proposal. The corner grocer said, "I like the idea." Etc.
Same thing for the other side of things. Such as,
the schoolteacher said, "There will be too much traffic." The restaurant owner said he thought it would make the town too noisy. Etc.
Keep the same tense unless you are quoting someone, then quote them correctly and don't change the tense. Such as,
I spoke with the governor, and she said, "I am sure that it will be very expensive." The act of you speaking with her is past tense as you have already done it, but her quote is in present tense.