The Importance of Macroeconomics
Why is macroeconomics important? Here are a few crucial reasons:
It helps us understand the functioning of a complicated modern economic system. It describes how the economy as a whole functions and how the level of national income and employment is determined on the basis of aggregate demand and aggregate supply.
It helps to achieve the goal of economic growth, a higher GDP level, and higher level of employment. It analyses the forces which determine economic growth of a country and explains how to reach the highest state of economic growth and sustain it.
It helps to bring stability in price level and analyses fluctuations in business activities. It suggests policy measures to control inflation and deflation.
It explains factors which determine balance of payments. At the same time, it identifies causes of deficit in balance of payments and suggests remedial measures.
It helps to solve economic problems like poverty, unemployment, inflation, deflation etc., whose solution is possible at macro level only (in other words, at the level of the whole economy).
With a detailed knowledge of the functioning of an economy at macro level, it has been possible to formulate correct economic policies and also coordinate international economic policies.
Last but not least, macroeconomic theory has saved us from the dangers of application of microeconomics theory to the problems that require us to look at the economy as a whole.