Sat 10 Jul, 2004 04:35 pm
It's my favorite book and I'm reading it for the fifth time as of now. What do you all think of this this wonderful book? If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it to you. Also I was wondering for those of you who have read it, which parts of the book do you think best represent the themes of self sacrifice and love can make a difference and redemption through suffering.
ok five times wow
you heavy on the books good for you
try reading something more humorous like the hitchhickers guide to the galixy or maybe Michael Waumba's Golden Orange
but the book
I liked the part where John never gives up on his escape. and finally it pays off . if he would have just sat in his cell and rotted away there would have been no book.
Too many great parts to pick only a few ...
I read the book a few summers ago and enjoyed it enormously. It was pretty obvious that Hugo really liked the saintly priest from whom Jean Valjean stole the silver. I thought the book was a magnificent character study and that the musical was more faithful to it then the lame film starring Irish actor ------------- (drat! every time I try to list a name, it goes out of my head) and the Australian who played in the movie about the pianist.
I have not seen the version with John Malkovich and Gerard Depardieu.
pom, just helping out here - Liam Neeson and Geoffrey Rush are the actors you're thinking of...
Thanks, mac! I hate my womanofacertainage memory. Grrrrr.
I have a terrible time remembering Liam Neeson's name.
Les Miserables is my absolute favourite too. I read it when i was like 11 and i cried so much at the end.
Ok so what about new books do you people have any suggestions??//
Scaramouche by Raffael Sabatini ( i'm wondering if this is the correct spelling)
It is the correct spelling, but Rafael has only one
f I believe.
I read mostly non-fiction, so my recommendations would not be that interesting.
BTW, just saw the American Repertory Theatre production of Moliere's The Miser. Excellent! Amazing how a person thinks he can control his adult children, which is one of hte themes of the play.