faymashu wrote:
My vulva has had this sharp sensation for two months already and it hurts way more now than it did, it also itches now too. My clit also stings whenever I touch or add pressure to it and when I cross my legs. I also masturbated a few days before this all happened. I'm only 16 so I don't want to tell my parents about it so I can't go to the doctor

go to a clinic, see a nurse or doc., tell your mother you think you may have a bladder infection, she should understand, every body gets a UTI from time to time. if its more serious than a UTI, make sure the doc knows not to provide too much info to your mom. find out how/or when this problem started, i could be just a minor contact abrasion/contact dermatitis, but get it checked out.
And please don't waste any time, As members we can't dispense medical advice, we are not qualified, but as a person I have had this pr0blem, and only a doctor can assess and order proper medical advice to fix the problem. Good luck to you.