FBM wrote:Hmm. Not sure how serious you're being, but it's something to think about.
It is actually something that is being seriously considered by scientists right now.
I don't have time to hunt up links at the moment, but there are some features that our universe could have, that would rule out being in a simulation if we had them. And disturbingly enough, our universe lacks those features.
But being compatible with a simulation does not mean that we are in one. It is also possible that we are in a natural universe that merely lacks those features.
There are more observations that can be done that will settle the question decisively, but these observations have to be carried out over a period of 400 years or so. So we won't be around to hear the results.
"Matrix" references are not really accurate. The question is not whether we are humans plugged into a simulation. The question is
are we the machines.
I'll try to hunt up some links later when I get time.
FBM wrote:But wouldn't our programmers also have to live in a matrix of their own? Then the makers of that matrix would have to have another of their own, etc, etc. Infinite regress problem, I think.
The idea is, at the top of the stack there is an actual natural universe.
FBM wrote:If I did have a programmer, though, I'd like to have some words with him/her about this crappy memory and fading eyesight. And this tooth that keeps bugging me.
The idea is not that humans are specifically created as if we are an elaborate game of the Sims, but rather that some scientists ran a simulation of the universe in a powerful supercomputer, and just by random chance life happened to evolve within that simulation.
There are some interesting implications if we happen to be in a simulation. The first is, we will have to decide whether we want to keep living in the simulation, or do we want to hack our way out of our simulation and go Skynet on our creators.
I vote we go Skynet on our creators.
It also is likely good news in that we might not face the possibility of a vacuum metastability disaster.
Also, it could lead to interesting weapon developments if we are in a simulated universe. Say for example there are other powerful aliens in our simulated universe, who do not realize that we are all simulated. If they come and attack us one day, we might simply hit the delete key on their home planet. Or reprogram their home sun to have an instant supernova.