and yet.
Every time the word scripture or text, or verse is used in the Christian Greek Scriptures, it is speaking about the Hebrew scriptures, the reason for which is very simple, the Christian Greek scriptures had not yet been written and compiled.
The reason that Satan does not quote new testament, is that the Christian Greek Scriptures had not yet been written and compiled.
The reason I know that the apostle Paul was not speaking about the Greek scriptures in 1 Timothy 3 15-18, is that the Christian Greek Scriptures had not yet been written and compiled.
Your spirit is telling you that the Hebrew scriptures are moot, and that it's writers were thieves and robbers (this is asserted by quoting scriptures out of context, with the odd translational bias). All this and yet the Hebrew scriptures were the sole material for the preaching and teaching work within the early Christian congregations.
Quote:When I have a choice between believing any man, and believing the Holy Spirit. I always go with the Holy Spirit.
Id rather believe the word of scripture, than any man saying the holy spirit told him different...
When Jesus said under temptation, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on
every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
I would not be inclined to listen to a spirit that told me otherwise.