Mon 4 May, 2015 05:48 pm
So nine men on a baseball team join the team at different times.their first names are Jose, Kevin, Lou, mike, Neil, Otis, Paul, Quincy, and Rick. Their last names are Abbott, baker, carter, drake, Edwards, Fraser, grant, Horner, and Irving. Their ages are 21, 22, 23, 25, 26,27,28,33,34. Tell whether each man is married or single. You may assume that the single men have no children and have never been married.
1.) Otis has an ERA of 3.75.
2.) the left fielder, carter, and Kevin were the last three to join the team.
3.) the catcher, drake, and Rick were the first three to join the team.
4.) the shortstop is 3/4 as old as the first baseman.
5.) Horner, Neil, and Lou go bowling together.
6.) Kevin and the Third baseman sometimes go on double dates together.
7.) carters mother is dating Neil.
8.) the age of the fifth man to join the tam is 1/3 as much as twice the age of the catcher.
9.) the first man to join the team is 7 years older than the 4th man to join and 5 years older than Quincy.
10.) the catcher joined the team before the first baseman. 11.) Paul's sister is married to Edwards.
12.) Horner, drake, Lou, Jose, and their wives went golfing last week.
13.) Otis, Quincy, and Abbott took their kids to the zoo yesterday.
14.) one infielder, two outfielders, and on pe other player are married. The rest are single.
15.) Irving thought the joke mike and Rick pulled on grant and baker was funny until Lou and Edwards pulled it on him later.
16.) Irving is older than Kevin but younger than baker.
17.) the third baseman is the oldest of the infielders, and Irving is th oldest of the outfielders.
18.) the 6th man to join the team is older than Irving and younger than Neil.
19.) Paul's age is the average of Horner's and the left fielders age.
20.) Kevin, Rick. And the shortstop collided last week when they all ran to catch the same ball.
21.) the center fielder is younger than the right fielder.
22.) Abbott joined the team after mike but before grant.
23.) the third man to join the team is older than the second man to join.
First you need to set up a grid like the one at this site:
I get this (shown in the order that they joined the team):
Neil Baker c 33 single
Quincy Drake 1b 28 married
Rick Fraser 3b 34 single
Paul Irving rf 26 single
Jose Edwards cf 22 married
Otis Horner p 27 married
Mike Carter ss 21 single
Lou Abbott lf 25 married
Kevin Grant 2b 23 single