Welcome Cancucme. In the original writing forum you will find a thread called "Spontaneous Poems." Here you can exercise your creative brain by writing your poetic thoughts spontaneously.
Thanks cjhsa. There they were, right where I left them, in the capable hands of my assistant pants holder.
canucme, the idea of a journey is just beautiful, and fearless. you want her to take a piece of you with her, so tell her, show her. be fearless in your expression, don't fuss over how it "sounds", evoke all the images that show your love for her, straight from your gut and heart. don't hold back...what wonderful opportunity you have, nd sshe will be a captive audience.
hi guys, hope you all are doing well. I'm still trying to figure all this out, but I'm getting there. Thanks for the advice Kickycan, now maybe I won't look like an idiot. Still haven't come up with a poem for mom but am still working on it.