Tue 22 Jun, 2004 03:43 pm
Hello, my name is AJ and am new to this site. I would appreciate any help on how to get around in here. Let me introduce myself properly, I am a mother of two teenage sons, and a widow. My youngest son is disabled, and I stay home to care for him. I love to read and write, though I have never shared any of my writings with anyone. Soon though, soon.. I found this site while looking for some help in writing a poem for my 63 year old mother who is about to leave us to become anything and everything, her fight with cancer is almost won.. I am not good at poetry at all, and before she leaves this earth, I would like to read something to her that she can take with her on her journey, if only I knew how and where to start,,, I hope to get some good suggestions here. I will also state that on my honor as a lady, any suggestions I get or borrowed poems is only for a fool of a daughter to read to her beautiful mother, and nothing more. I am glad to be here and hope to meet quite of few of you soon.
Welcome. First word of advice. Stay away from that Gustavratzenhoefer guy. He's dangerous. Possibly the most dangerous poster on A2K.
Other than that, check out the original writing forum. I'm sure you'll find something interesting there. If you create a new thread with a poem or pieces of a poem, people here are very helpful and VERY intelligent, so you will get excellent critiques on anything you write.
Good luck, kid.
Welcome. Stay away from that kickycan guy. He's a screw-ball. Possibly the screwiest ball on this forum. Oh and he emulates (like how I got the 'emu' in there?) Gus. I think they are a couple but won't admit it.
I like the fact that kicky thinks he is on a forum of helpful and very intelligent people. We have him fooled!
Oh, I forgot to mention everything that Heeven says is a lie. :wink:
Welcome canuc me, avoid every man in this forum with exception of me and Slappy Doo Hoo.
We know what girls like, and we are full of love.
I too have a disabled son. He's a joy.
Welcome to cyber land, where we are all rich, thin, and good looking.
thanks all for the quick reply, I can see that this is going to be a great ride!!
As you can see, we are a fun-loving, friendly intelligent bunch. Well ... most of us are. I happen to be bitter and hate-filled. The rest of them are filled with love and you can probably get by just by avoiding me...
Seriously, I am sorry to hear about your mother. I know this is a difficult time as I recently lost my grandmother who I loved dearly to cancer. Leaving her with a poem sounds like a beautiful idea.
You will find good people here who are very supportive. Feel free to post your poetry or your thoughts.
Hola! That's it? Where's the poem? The intelligent, good-looking stuff? The chocolate-dipped strawberries? Oop, time to go - grocery aisle beckons.
save yourself....
run like the wind
i beg you
Re: Hello to all
canucme wrote:Hello, my name is AJ and am new to this site. I would appreciate any help on how to get around in here. Let me introduce myself properly, I am a mother of two teenage sons, and a widow. My youngest son is disabled, and I stay home to care for him. I love to read and write, though I have never shared any of my writings with anyone. Soon though, soon.. I found this site while looking for some help in writing a poem for my 63 year old mother who is about to leave us to become anything and everything, her fight with cancer is almost won.. I am not good at poetry at all, and before she leaves this earth, I would like to read something to her that she can take with her on her journey, if only I knew how and where to start,,, I hope to get some good suggestions here. I will also state that on my honor as a lady, any suggestions I get or borrowed poems is only for a fool of a daughter to read to her beautiful mother, and nothing more. I am glad to be here and hope to meet quite of few of you soon.
To the Two that gave me Life and to the One who set me free, My Heart belongs to Thee :wink: !
Hello canucme and welcome to A2K. There are some wonderful poets here on this site. I just don't happen to be one of them!
sorry guys just tried to add in a quote and it sent the whole introduction again,,, ooops!
Well, I'm sorry Canucme, but that won't stand. You will have to leave now. You're kicked off A2K! Go on, get out! :wink:
okay, okay, you caught me I am a virgin when it comes to this stuff, I give you my word that I will study this site until I know it like the back of my eye lids!

Thanks you all for the kind words and great humor, it does my heart good.
Hey, welcome canucme. :-D Best to you and your mother.
Sheesh, kicky, you'll put someone's eye out!
Okay, okay, Canucme, you can stay.
Now will somebody please help me find my pants!?
Welcome, Canucme.
Re the poem - what a lovely idea.
I am wondering if listing your mother's most outstanding qualities - good and bad (I don't think dying - which I THINK you indicate is what is happening to your mother?????? - precludes fun and games - unless she is a very serious and fragile person) and maybe some of the funniest stories from her life, and some of the loveliest - and the things you most treasure that you learned from her, might help you begin to get your thinking organised for your poem - even if you leave almost all of those things out! Got photos and such to remind you>