Mon 21 Jun, 2004 09:16 pm
First episode of this miniseries played a song that I do not know.
I have some lyrics if anyone can tell me who sings it and what the name of the song is:
Lyrics: "Come on now, come away
New Sun got nothin to say to me
Nobody ever told be how to love me like I Love you now
Today I wait Tommorow may be too late
Somebody should have learnt you how to Love me Like I Love you now
cause everthing is just shadows and light
We are nothing but shadows & light
I'm gonna do you good
I want to do you good "
End of lyrics, thats all I've got anyone know the artist and name of song?
Do you know what episode that song was in, clogan58? - it might help in the search.
Five Days to Midnight Music
Jasmine, the song was in Part One of the Miniseries Five Days to Midnight, SCIFI Original Movie. Played in the First 15 minutes or so of the movie as J.T. was getting ready to go to work.
I have a mp3 file which not able to attatch here but if anyone wants to take a crack at it, just e-mail me and I will e-mail you the mp3 file of the song I recorded from TV with MusicMatch Jukebox.
Let me now
[email protected] (e-mail)