Back when I first learned I had RP (a slow case of it, but well diagnosed back in the late eighties), it really threw me for a big loop and I felt I would need to learn lip reading and braille. Somehow I tried braille once, I forget how, and it seem crazily impossible, and besides, I could still see. And don't practice lipreading at all. Almost 40 years later, I can still see, though in the early naughts I had another bunch of scares and lost a lot of vision in one eye via a surgery gone wrong; that eye has not gotten better but has stabilized, and the other one is swell. Please don't poke it.
I have no idea if braille is moving toward obsolete; I would guess it probably still is needed in some ways, some places.
Meantime, I don't hear well, and it gets less fixable with hearing aids as the years go by. I can't afford them anyway. This isn't a whine, it's part of life's package; I'm just explaining.
Anyway, I still prefer to hold a book and read, love it.