kiss me - stephen "tin tin" duffy
Luv Machine - Blonde Redhead
nobodys fool - cinderella
orgasm addict - the buzzcocks
queen of hollywood - the corrs
Stop in the Name of Love - The Supremes
teardrop - massive attack
Under my Thumb / Rolling Stones
Voices Carry ~ Til Tuesday
DOH! I'm an idiot - thanks for spotting it Holpar. So belatedly, here's Y:
You'll always find me in the kitchen at parties - Jona Lewie
[Note to self: pay attention]
Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie
Abracadabra - Steve Miller
you forgot y
Your Cheating Hear- Hank Williams.. lol that was my Z answer
um ill carry on from B then eh
Big Time-peter gabriel
Chattanooga Choo Choo - Glenn Miller
Drinking In LA - Bran Van 3000