Ninety Ninth floor elevators
("Blue Flashing Light" by Travis has to be one of my favorite songs ever.)
O, that song is wonderful; I could barely believe that they didn't list it as a track... many people may have not listened to it at all.
Now, Travis are a band whose older stuff I far prefer. Their most recent album is painful compared to 'The Man who', I feel.
(Gah, my Internet has been messing up, by the way. Although I have anti-virus, this thing keeps on loading up DOS, and also loading up a stupid page, and the pages get stuck and it takes five minutes to get from one thing to another; and my screen crashes every three minutes... it's really frustrating.)
I don't know how I remembered that this pop group existed. I guess I never forget band names, no matter how terrible the band.
Oh, damn... Youngstown are bad. I always remember bad bands too... do you remember 'Rednex?' *Shudders*
I can't believe that the monstrosity didn't end with Cotton Eyed Joe...