What were some of your favorite pranks from yesteryear?

the reincarnation of suzy
Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 06:34 am
Mmmmm.... baby livers! Yum!
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 06:42 am
Back in high school, I ran for student president as a lark, and made up three campaign posters. All the potentials made up posters, with the likes of "vote for me, I'm the best" and crap like that. My posters were a little more visceral. One depicted a photo of Reagan, and underneath, a picture of a pig, with the slogan "The face of things to come." Another had a picture of the Chinese army marching in formation, and underneath, a bunch of rioting Iranians, with the caption, "Choose your poison." The third had just one photo, a bunch of dead people killed in a warzone, with the caption "Don't take life so seriously, you'll never get out alive." I plastered the school with them, and not only were they immediately ripped down, I was also banned from the campaign. Laughing I clearly made my point though.
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 08:32 am
Four years ago, I was working as a Nurse's Assistant in an upper crust nursing home in the suburbs of St Paul, MN. I was fed up with the sexual harrassment from staff and being assigned the hardest duty all the time. Everyone knew about my transitioning from male to female and were just nasty, so I bided time until April first.

My housemate worked there with me, on the night shift, so I told her that I had a great April Fools Day joke. I told everyone that I was pregnant. Even the nurses with their bachelor if Nursing degrees believed it. I let this carry on for about two weeks, when the Director of Nursing called me into her office, on her first day back from vacation. Seems they were getting money together to buy me a changing table and stroller. There were even plans for a baby shower and asked her for a donation.

So, that my best prank. It was fun while it lasted. Laughing
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 08:38 am
That's fantastic Wiyaka. Speaking of babies, how did that bread turn out, or are you still working on the starter?
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:28 am
Some of you may remember when hubcaps were metal and didn't have lots of decorative openings. We used to put a few pebbles in in a hubcap. When the owner drove the car, he'd hear this hellacious clattering and stop, look the car over thoroughly, and then start off again. Same clatter, same result.

The toilets at school had black toilet seats. A little black shoe polish around the rim and...

Got a Volkswagen onto a front porch once.

Rebuilt a coworker's cube while he was on vacation so that there was no entry, just four walls.

Not actually a prank, but my wife sent me a "bellygram" at work for my fortieth birthday. My boss was in on it and had called a meeting just for the occasion. Could never get away with that these days.
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:39 am
The Number one prank of the century
The number one prank of the century was in the 2000 election when I got three million of my closest friends to secretly vote for George W. Bush for president while publically professing to have voted for Gore. Caused such a stink in Florida that it went all the way to the Supreme Court.

Best prank I ever pulled off. I is so pround of moi.

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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:44 am
I used dress up real fancy and find some drunk homeless person, and hand him what looked like a wad of cash, but was just a stack of monopoly money between two, dollar bills.

If it was dark out I just killed them.

Also, once, as a mall Santa, I liked to stuff my pants with a cucumber and ask little girls (or boys) what they REALLY wanted for Christmas.

Finally, poisoning Halloween candy is always good for a chuckle or two.
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:48 am

I'll try the starter on bread today. It's cool and overcast, a good baking day. I'll keep you posted.

Speaking of babies, we were offered cusody of two young girls at Pine Ridge last month. It's hard not to accept, but our life is too Heyoka (contrary)to do that. There's also a really good chance that they are FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) babies, so their future (after we're gone) is up in the air.
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