Thu 15 Jan, 2015 06:47 pm
I am 60 years of age and plan to start collecting my SS benefit at age 62. My wife is 53 years of age and plans on collecting her SS benefit at age 62. Her benefit will be higher on her own work history than if she collects a benefit based on my earnings which I understand to be approx 32.5 % of my full benefit if she starts collecting at age 62. My question is, will she be able to collect 75% of her own full retirement age benefit at age 62?
For example, her benefit based on her earnings would be approx $1000 per month at age 62 (75% of her full retirement age benefit of approx $1400). My benefit at age 62 will be approx $1400 (75% of $1867).
Thank you for your help.