Tue 13 Jan, 2015 10:16 pm
I admit, I haven't made the trip out to the countryside yet, but I've seen photos of it made from light-polluted urban areas. I've been out 3 nights and still haven't found it. I follow the charts, Orion's belt, Betelguese, hang a right at Aldebaran, etc, but still can't even find it with a 400mm lens. I have a 90mm telescope and a tracking mount (unfortunately, it's alt/az), but I don't want to go to the trouble of setting all that up until I've at least located the sucker in the sky. It's in Taurus now and heading towards Pleiades and I'd like to get a shot of it while its apparent magnitude is still at/near its peak.
Advice warmly welcomed.
Have you checked out this site yet? They say it is difficult to find with naked eye, but binoculars should help a lot.
Yeah, that's one of my g0-to sources. I've followed their advice on finding it, though. Even with the 400mm lens, I can't distinguish it from the surrounding stars. I've only photographed one comet before, and I was extremely lucky that time.
When I look through the lens, I simply don't see anything that looks like the photographs people post. I'm stumped.
Do you live near any observatories? They probably have lots of events going on for it. They can teach you how to find it so you can do it on your own for photographing.
Come to think of it, I seem to recall one on the outskirts of town. Thanks for the tip! I'll look into it now!
Gracias! That's more detailed than the others I've seen. Will study it closely...