my new ecru-ist neighborhood

Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 12:22 pm
funny so are ma and pa Smile
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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 04:28 pm
Goodness and love -
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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 06:52 pm
Good Luck! It's turkey-town, who's going to actually get up and fight about it?
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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 07:28 pm
OK heres the deal.
You get some **** from the neighbors, we get a couple of stretch black limos and fill them with guys in shiny suits and sunglasses. Each car pulls up and unloads and goes into your house , except for one guy in each car who is the driver. Your guests stay in your house for about 45 minutes and the drivers keep looking around and talking and smoking cigars.
When everybody comes out of your house , all the guys kiss your ring,and give each other hugs. Then they all drive off.

Guarenteed , no more problems

You should e wearing a bathrobe and sunglasses.
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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2004 10:59 pm
Great idea, Farmerman, except for Fred. What do we do about Fred? Who will believe Bob is a big bully when Fred is tougher than he is? And then there is the problem of Diane. Will the nun gone bad make them tremble in fear? I know that bossy Fred will rat them both out; parrots can't be trusted!

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Reply Wed 9 Jun, 2004 08:31 am
BBB's garage is full of Dys and Diane stuff
Dys and Diane arrived from Denver yesterday afternoon with a pickup truck full of stuff to store in my garage. I will be joining them at their new house inspection later today. Then they will be going shopping for floor tiles, paint and skylights for the remodeling. Maybe even some furniture. They are having so much fun even if it is tiring. I printed maps and travel directions to several stores so they won't get lost.

We went to dinner later at one of those all-you-can eat places I had never tried. The food was so bad we had to laugh about it as we picked through the food we left on our plates. So we just yacked instead of eating.

Earlier in the day my hair stylist cut my hair. He tried a new product on me to add body to my gray hair. It was in a powder form instead of a cream or spray. As he was sprinkling it on my hair, I hollered to everyone in the salon that he was putting flea powder on my hair. The place erupted in laughter. My hair looked gorgeous; he is a master cutter.

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Reply Wed 9 Jun, 2004 04:47 pm
I believe Ive missed something . Fred, I take it, is a parrot. Whats wrong with a parrot. He could carry it around like Blofelds cat , or that thing that Dr Evil has.

Meyer Lansky was in a wheelchair and was one of the most powerful mob figures. Look at Mr Gigante, he walks around thhe streets in pajamas and slippers acting a little addled.

OK OK OK. If ya dont like the mob guy thing, then you dress everybody in the limo like a bunch of priests. The neighbors will keep all the kids away.
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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 10:34 am
Farmerman, Fred the Parrot would love the priest alternative.

BBB Laughing Twisted Evil Laughing
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Reply Thu 10 Jun, 2004 10:40 am
Inspection and decision day
Dys and Diane's new house will have another inspection today for plumbing and sewer lines.

The inspector, Dys, Diane, Henry and I spent yesterday afternoon at the house creating a punch list of needed repairs. Then they measured the entire house, picked wall paint colors, floor tile colors, skylight locations, etc. A very busy and tiring day, but they got a lot of necessary decisions made so everything can be handled from Denver.

We are going to look at some more floor tiles today---just in case. Then Dys and Diane are going furniture shopping for a new table and chairs and a matress. So much to do, so little time. They have to get back to Fred in Denver before he pitches a fit.

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