Sun 5 Jan, 2003 12:52 pm
Did anyone here actually see them out on the road?
I know they only played a few dates, and a few were "cancelled" and caused trouble in Vancouver in Philly before the tour was cut short without much of a solid explaination.
They played here in Boston, and it was weird. I work near the venue and not much action at all -- The revamped/or revived version of the Greatful Dead that played weeks before caused much, much more of a stir. I also heard GNR played Madison Square in NY, and got good reviews for that show.
Just curious...
Never really was a GNR fan. It may well be their 15 Minutes is up.
The 'Dead, on the otherhand, have become iconographic, a cultural feature. Interesting to me at least, if of little real connection to the topic here, is that I have three "Farewell Tour" T-Shirts from separate farewell tours on the part of "The Who".
Oh, and in case I've overlooked it, Welcome to A2k, edithdoll.
I am a GNR fan but, more of old GNR. It seems that as of late Mr. Rose and the band have gone through a great many changes, which has for some reason seemed to recently coincided with a large number of show cancellations. This does nothing for the fans. So, although I would have greatly enjoyed seeing them during many past years, this year the hostility of fans world wide proved to be a point in which I wouldnt try to go myself. I think the lack of explination is what irks the fans the most. It doesnt surprise me though that when they do actually perform it comes with a good review.
Timber -- Thanks for the welcome!
Yeah I wasn't comparing the Dead to GNR. Just the shows in Boston were a few weeks apart and the Dead fans definitely invaded the neighborhood, we saw police, etc. The GNR fans hardly a peep, so I guess it was just on my brain.
Quinn -- I'm similar to your stance on the band, and I think you are right about the problems and the frustrations of the fans. I saw their MTV performance and the crowd went wild. Axl though looks like he's definitely not the same guy...The years and stuff have taken their toll. I was just wondering if anyone had seen them live and could offer anything, field reporting, etc.
I had heard about Axel's new looks and went looking to find an example at one time <missed MTV performance> but, decided I probably didnt want to know.
Im sure years and STUFF have taken their toll on him.
Id be interested in hearing from anyone who might have attended myself.