fishin. I have a camp off the airline and have been there for a number of years so Ive been around when the talk turned to making a suitable environment for moose to facilitate an easy whack. if salt licks are illegal, then there are people doing it for other reasons (RIGHT!)
When I waS TOLD the jelly donut story I was at a bean supper and I couldnt get enough of this information. Thhe one guide had a bigass barrel in the back of his pickup and he canvassed every Dunkin Donuts from Bangor to Calais. Apparently the bears are easily made dependent on an easy sugar feedlot.
In Pa, baiting of any kind is illegal (but is done anyway) In Maine the political basis for needing a guide makes as much sense as the PA State Liquor store rule. Why does Maine require guides at all?
I guess I can partially understand because the Maine road system is one of the worst in the US so slickers getting lost is always a problem. Outside of that, I cannot understand the requirement.
Nice recipe Phoenix. I love moose jerky. We get it from some place North of Skowhegan. I dont know where the guy gets his nmoose.(Hint--Skowhegan is just on route 201 which goes North to Jackman and Montreal)
Bi- Polaar bears are really cool, they rarely put up with **** and will come down on you as if they owned the place. Black Bears, on the other hand, have been culled so severely since the 1700s that the subspecies should now be called URSUS AMericanus (sub PUSSY).
they are rather timid, they only attack you inyour tent and will, more likely go after your snickers bar.
I think all hunters should be required to hunt in a primitive season with atlatls and hand axes. Or else the season should be changed so that you have to tag the bear with your hand (like YOURE IT)
doglover wrote:That poor moose has such a long face standing between those morons.
You know what they say about an animal with a long face, who is also quite 'horny'...
Gus, Im beginning to reconsider. Im leaning toward cavs thinking here. If it werent for these good souls the poor bodiless moose would not be able to suvive the great annual moose migrations . on his own. somehow, hes grown that immense rack without a personal body, so maybe there were other folks who fed him as he flopped about .
Or, this moose may have had his body harvested by the international jerky syndicate. Thus hes been left alone to gnaw his way around or move around just with his tongue and facial muscles.
Deer is better than moose. They got points on their horns so you can stick neon green tennis balls on 'em. Makes it easer for people to count the points, though even a good deer gets a bit ripe and bloated after being driven around town for a couple a weeks.
I'm with ya Gus! Those bastards won't stand a chance now!!!!
Quote:. Thus hes been left alone to gnaw his way around or move around just with his tongue and facial muscles.
A rather macabre, yet uproariously amusing visual, farmerman.
Dark humor at its finest.
I didn't know you gave up your mod hat Phoenix.
Montana- Yup! A couple of months ago!
Jeeez!!!! I guess I haven't been around much.
Awwww shucks Phoenix. I've been busy with many projects these days and haven't had much time to play. You know how it is ;-) Spring and Summer are my busy times, but you do see me around quite a bit in the winter.
I miss you guys too when I'm gone ;-)
Phoenix32890 wrote:Quote:Civility and the fact that you are a moderator prevents me from suggesting a different part for you to cannibal....<harumph>
Bi- Poor thing.....You are the last to know. I gave up my moderator hat some time ago. I am just a regular member like the rest of you.
Now what part would you suggest????
I'm smarter than the average bear...I'm not rising to that pun intended....
As Dudley Moore might have observed, "They must have hated those mooses."
Well, that's the end of being deferential to certain persons named for mythical birds........
Sounds like Polar is the one rising from the ashes.
(That viagra must be powerful stuff)
A little deference goes a long way....but, vive le deference!