Fri 4 Jun, 2004 03:14 pm
Hey! Is there any fans of NIRVANA?
Hey, is therre are iny fans uv grammer.
Grammer? I loved my grammer, god rest her soul.
My baby's name is Jenna, and we call her Jenners.
How old is she?
I loved Nirvana; my favourite song of theirs probably was 'Polly' or their version of 'Where did you sleep last night?'-- Haunting.
She's four months, but she's already standing, which is really impressive.
Standing at four months is frankly amazing. I remember your mentioning becoming a father a while back, but couldn't place when. So, you have no regrets?
Not at all.
I wish I coudl be proud that she's standing, but that really just shows physical strength. I would rather see signs of intelligence. The closest she's gotten to saying "dad" is "Aaaa!" It's the right vowel sound, but nothing to call home about. Maybe she'll be a good wrastler.
Even though I have never been maternal and never will be, I always feel glad when people have no regrets about having their child or children.
I agree with you; intellectual strength is far superior-- but it's not rational to expect that one amazing spurt would lead, quickly, to another; she will speak, you just have to give time to it.
Sorry, but I am not from English - speaking country. And we talk not about grammer, but about NIRVANA.
Smells like teen spirit to me.
I was just kidding, Jenny.
When Nirvana came out...i turned my back on them and the entire seatlle movement, I was way too busy learning about Led Zeppelin and then Iron Maiden, Anthrax, Metallica, and quite frankly thought Cobain was in need of a bath...
It took me a good 3 or 4 years to give all that scene a chance once the hype was gone. I was too happy listening to real Punk like the Dead Kennedys to care about some "movement" from seatlle.