Mon 1 Dec, 2014 07:36 pm
Needing 2 to finish this one please,
17d. Contrivance - S?i?t
113d. Natural Orange food dye - Ann?t?o
When l googled it, the answer came up as CARROT JUICE/POWDER or PAPRIKA. Hope this helps, good luck,.
Where did you find that word?
All l could come up with that might help is SLANT/SHIFT, any good?
I'd go with
Synonyms 2. Plan, invention, design; machination, stratagem; Device, Shift, etc.
As for annatto:
Wiki wrote:Using annatto for color has been a traditional characteristic of Gloucester cheese since the 16th century when producers of inferior cheese used a coloring agent to replicate the orange hue achieved by the best cheesemakers.
That's to say, a contrivance..
Hi Margsy
When I was an apprentice at a well known British chemist, we stocked ANNATTO it was used to colour butter.
The power of the internet, we have entry, but rarely use it to find crossword answers.
Thanks very much everyone. The explanations were also good.
Nice to have another one finished.
Thanks again,