I suggest a nice abbreviated name, a la rap groups. How about The Notorious S.W.E. (sock with ears).
or MAD (as in mutually assured destruction)
or even MAD F.B., for fluffy butt.
Debbie would make a very nice, not to mention excruciatingly sweet nic.
Uh oh, me thinks Roger has some need for punishment. Debbie? Good bye Roger, it's been wonderful knowing you. RIP, my friend.
Some comments deserve to be resolutely ignored, lest sneering dignify them beyond their actual importance.
Like most of the ones on this thread.
Hey, thanks for noticin xxx I mean ignoring.
I call her Dlow once in a while..
D-lo sounds very close to dild...
Never mind.....
The real question is, does D-Lo have the junk in her trunk?
What about something not completely different as her nickname; like... 'Father Jack?'
What the hell does junk in her trunk mean?
Why is this thread still going?
Isn't it another month or something now?
junk in the trunk? You know, it means like she's got a big bubbly ass!
No, big and bubbly--it sticks out like a bubble from the rest of the body. It's the same as saying, "Baby got back."
Just funnin with ya D-Lo.
kickycan wrote:No, big and bubbly--it sticks out like a bubble from the rest of the body. It's the same as saying, "Baby got back."
Well, I have a TAIL....
No offence, Cjhsa.....but, you'll keep....
kickycan wrote:No, big and bubbly--it sticks out like a bubble from the rest of the body. It's the same as saying, "Baby got back."
Like it's somewhere you can rest a can of beer and a slice of pizza on?