"Identifying as bisexual shows a level of sexual maturity very few possess. MOST people are some degree of bisexual. If you call yourself straight but then say things like: I like some gay porn, have some gay fantasies, gave a guy a blowjob once, etc. newsflash but you're not straight. Smile You're more accurately labelled as bisexual.
Very few people, perhaps less than 5% are entirely heterosexual or homosexual. It's freakishly unnatural. It's much more normal to be some degree of bisexual. If you watch porn with women AND men, you're not as straight as you might think you are."
Very interesting... and true indeed. Personally, I knew a few men who I did like and founds somewhat... handsome. But when we got a bit intimate (like talking over a dinner and suddenly I smelled his cologne) I can use only one word for my momentary feeling: disgust. Ever since I stopped thinking of him in this way.
Hard to say... Love is more than physical attraction, but is it very hard to overcome it. Or maybe as person I am quoting said, it is fear speaking from me. Fear of something that I considered taboo for a long time.
I think sexuality is also a choice to some degree. As it seems. therefore most of people might be able to feel sexual desire for same sex, but they do not simply for choosing so. I would say this is my current state, but anything can change anytime. Maybe given right circumstances... who knows.