Sat 29 May, 2004 04:19 pm
What program can I download to change wav.files to mp3?
Due to the vast difference in the sound formats this isn't an easy task. There are programs out there for this tho. I haven't tried them so I can't speak for the results. Search Google for the following programs.
The first choice would be Cakewalk. It is expensive but has tons of features.
Freeware options:
A friend told me that iTunes from Apple will do this.
Modplug Tracker will do this.
Instruments Builder 4 will convert MIDI to WAV which is easily converted to mp3.
Hope that helps.
Thanks I have cakewalk pro audio 9, in fact the music i'm working on there is what i want to turn into mp3. I'm not sure I knew cakewalk could do it.
I had to edit my first post because I ment wav file, not midi. Sorry.
the latest versions of musicmatch, an mps player allow you to convert wav. to mp3
i use when ripping extra or hidden tracks on a cd i record as a wav. file, edit out what i don't want with the windows sound recorder and then use musicmatch to convert
itunes and winamp both convert wav to mp3.