Fri 3 Jan, 2003 11:41 am
Friday, Jan. 3rd 2003 is J R R Tolkien's eleventy-first Birthday.
This is significant because "The Lord of the Rings" begins on Bilbo Baggins' eleventy-first birthday.
How should we commemorate this day?
By giving gifts to all our friends and relatives!
Damn!!! I missed the birthday bash. Think I'll take a ride down to the Inn at Bree and hoist a tankard at The Sign of the Prancing Pony with old Landlord Butterbur, if he's still the proprietor.
I've been here at the Prancing Pony since the 7th and although they feed me and provide sleeping quarters, the ale is beginning to take its toll.
Oh, is that you in the corner there, Wizard? I've been holding up the bar, waiting for something to happen, but no one's dropping in. Where'd old Butterburr go, anyway?