....but he can be pushed past the limit.
Like, take the time that he and me and Slappy were on a bit of a road-trip. Just prior to Slappy's wedding and y'all know were I ended up!
Well anyhows, we stop off at some burger joint. Slappy's off to the restrooms straight away (what does that boy DO in the toilet all day, I wonder?!), and I'm not hungry so I'm like looking around while Gus is ordering.
Well, he rattles off the meal he wants and like the girl at the counter asks him if he wants to Supersize. Well ol' Gus is a little touchy about that pot-belly of his and he's cutting back on some of this fatty food to keep it under control. So he doesn't WANT to supersize.
And like this girl WANTS him too. "It's only 50c extra", she says.
"Nope", says Gus.
"Most everyone has one!".
"I said I DON'T want to!!".
"You can even get a voucher redeemable for onion rings". Bad move.
"I DON'T WANT ANY ****-NG ONION RINGS!!!". It's true, he hates them.
The place goes quiet and like everyone's looking... but in shock.
I turn my head and there's ol' sweet Gus....
NOT a good day for the fast-food industry.