Sun 23 May, 2004 07:58 am
What is your nickname?
Mine is "Speed". I picked it up while in the Air Force and it seems to have stuck. I think I acquired it because I was perceived to usually move at a slow and easy pace.
This is a tough one. I have several nicknames. It depends on the people I'm with. Those that are very dear and close to me call me Wiyaka, part of my name. Another is Mangy Coyote Woman, given by a Lakota sister of mine and the name has spread amongst several native nations since.

You really need to understand our culture to get the true meaning of that one.
Kev, I've never been absolutely certain of it's origin but best guess would be that it is taken from my given name of Kevin, English children are not all as imaginative as Shakespeare and Dickens.
A considerable number of people call me Plathy; due to their thinking of me as a talented but individualised lunatic, I guess...
Mine is pieman. Is that a coincidence or what? I have also been called the ice cream god.
They call me Kicky. Either that or jackass.
my nickname is steve. my real name is bi-polar bear.
Well, back in chefs school, it was my night on dessert (second year students did public dinners with rotating shifts), and I was in charge of the pistachio ice cream. There was a bunch left over, so the first year lackeys, who basically just washed dishes, and the enlightened second year students all got to have a taste. One of the lackeys yelled out "You are the ice cream god!!" That's how it happened.
I can't believe that it's lasted its worth from one... comment!
(I was thinking that the Ice Cream God was some sort of Godfather-like creature, called that just because it sounded cool, and because he liked Neapolitan ice cream.)
Those in the know - Bill, others - Heyou.....
I used to play Little League baseball in a poor neighborhood (strangely enough, it had the best field). Some kids left their shoeshine boxes next to the field, before practice; others slided home "with the spikes God gave them", about a third of the players picked their gloves for the game or the practice from a big box, given by the league. They all gave terrible nicknames to each other. Mine was "Champ".
The number of parents who attended the games could be counted with one hand.
Once, we were playing an important game against other league. I went to bat with bases loaded and one out. My dad yelled from the stands:
"Come on, Champ, give us a hit".
Strike one. Swinging.
Yet another yell:
"He's got nothing in his ball, Champ, you can make it".
Strike two. Looking.
My father kept on cheering:
"One hits only one ball, Champ. This is it, Champ".
Strike three. Swinging.
I was received at the dogout with this words: "Well done, Champ", "nice strikeout, Champ", "you suck, Champ".
Good grief, pieman. Where have you been? When I was a kid, it was cotton head............later, teach. In between a number of things..witch baby...little stretch. that was two outs. How did the kid batting after you do? -rjb-
'Ria (last 3 letters of first name)
1 individual calls me plushous
My nickname is Corporal Cat. I'm not quite sure why people started calling me that.
Red which I do not like or Jo which is OK. I prefer the nick that y'all have given me, JD.
realjohnboy that was two outs. How did the kid batting after you do? -rjb-
I do remember a deep flyball would mean an RBI for me.
Can't remember how did the other kid do.
But one thing for sure, his daddy wasn't in the stands.
fbaezer...point well taken. You, perhaps, should be Champ Jr and your dad Champ Sr.