...well, it says I'm a bum too - but only a little bit...where is this how black is your heart thing?
same site under maybe peronality test?
i think it was under most popular tests. i still can't believe i scored a blackhearted muther.
I forget what I scored. I've taken dozens of tests over there.
Those sneaky bastards! I took the what kind of godess are you quizz only to get to the last 2 Qs and find out that it was an eloborate add for the women's version of the mach3.
hahahaha! I tried to take other tests, but everytime I go there my computer freezes, so I gave up :-(
That's ok Littlek. I made it through the anal one and that was the important one, lol ;-)
It appears that all of my problems stem from the epidemic potty training before my time.
join the club.
but are ya evil and blackhearted?
the evil potty trained club of anal retentives
I wasn't evil, I was mostly good. They said if I was aspiring to be evil, I had to try harder.
i just took the true talent test. my true talent is abstract reasoning, this explains why i usually understand the bostonians and aussies