Sat 22 May, 2004 05:38 pm
Hi. My name is Kickycan, and I like Barry Manilow.
I don't care if it's not cool. I love Barry Manilow songs. My favorite is "Weekend in New England."
"Time in New England, took me away
To long rocky beaches and you by the bay . . ."
I know it's cornball sappy music, but so what. What's your favorite Barry Manilow song?
Thank you for making me fell normal.I looooooove Barry Manilow music.
Weekend in New England is good,but my personal favorite is "copacabana"
I enjoy everything he does,and I have seen him in concert three times.
Be of good heart, people - I am sure that, somewhere, there is a 12 step program for people with this affliction!
This is a trick question.
There IS no favorite Barry Manilow song.
I love pop music, but can barely tolerate Manilow.
Mysteryman, you are in the right place. Pay no attention to these people, afraid to admit their love for this brilliantly-crafted cheesy pop music. I have never seen him, but I can imagine the crowd chanting, "BARRY! BARRY! BARRY!"
Lets take a look, shall we, at lyrics written by this man:
I write the songs that make the whole world sing.
I write of love and special things.
I write the songs that make the whole world cry.
I write the songs, I write the songs....
One instance where I think torture would be appropriate. I mean, he tortured me. How self-absorbed can a person be...I made the whole world sing...
PS--Dr. Suess writes more complex rhymes than this.
The name of the song is "I am music"
He isnt singing about himself,but the spirit of music that everyone has.
...but, who wrote the songs...?
Sorry, I prefer Neil Diamond.
I just heard Barry Manilow in an interview. That song (I Am Music) isn't about him writing hits. The song is about how musicians are just venues of the muse that is music. It was a fascinating interview. Buuuuuut, I am not a fan of his music.
Don't believe it. He is deeply in love with himself.
CI--I'm just thankful you don't know Barry.
CAV- Have you seen Saving Silverman? A GREAT Neil Diamond movie!!!
Sofia, do you know that he didn't WRITE that song?
When my wife met Neil Diamond many years ago and introduced herself, Mr Diamond mentioned Lucy in the movie. :-)
Sofia wrote:Don't believe it. He is deeply in love with himself.
CI--I'm just thankful you don't know Barry.
CAV- Have you seen Saving Silverman? A GREAT Neil Diamond movie!!!
I saw that AND The Jazz Singer, Sofia. I also saw Barry on American Idol....yeesh, I think he's had some work done. I also love Killdozer's cover of I Am, I Said. The fact that a band like Killdozer can do an interesting cover of a Neil hit clearly indicates that he rocks waayyyy more than Barry.
Neil has been misunderstood.
<Barry's face---arg!>
KC I am a Barry Manilow fan. My favorite is also "Weekend in New England."
Last night, I waved goodbye
Now--it seems years
I'm back in the city
Where nothing is clear
But thoughts of me --holding you
Bringing us near
And tell me
When will our eyes meet
When can I touch you
When will this strong yearning end
And when will I hold you again
Time in new england
Took me away
To long rocky beaches
--and you, by the bay
We started a story
Whose end must now wait
And, tell me
When will our eyes meet
When can I touch you
When will this strong yearning end
And when will I hold you again
I feel the change comin'
--i feel the wind blow
I feel brave and daring!
I feel my blood flow
With you
I can bring out
All the love, that I have
--with you there's a heaven
So earth ain't so bad
And tell me
When will our eyes meet
When can I touch you
When will this strong yearning end
And when will I hold you again