blatham wrote:VA overhaul bill through yesterday.
Yes, but that wasn't something that Mr. Obama pushed through. That was something that the Republicans wanted to pass just as badly as the Democrats did.
It was also possible that immigration reform might have happened. But not because of any effort on the part of Mr. Obama. Rather, it had a chance of passing because there are some Republicans who are for it.
blatham wrote:But you've conveniently ignored why bills have been stymied.
It is certainly true that Republicans are not eager to work with a Democratic president (just as Democrats are not eager to work with a Republican president). However, a president can use his political capital to coerce unwilling politicians into action.
The problem is that Mr. Obama frivolously wasted all of his political capital, leaving the Republicans free to oppose him with impunity.
blatham wrote:There's a reason why your party's polling stinks so badly.
Reminder: I'm a conservative Democrat.
blatham wrote:Your ideas re the NRA thing I've not seen advanced by anyone on either side of the divide
That's OK. I'm not fazed by the prospect of being the only person in the universe to advance a given idea.
blatham wrote:though some NRA flack might have said it to promote the notion of invincibility.
The NRA does not need to promote the notion of invulnerability.
I don't think there were any questions about how strong the NRA is. But if there were, those questions were answered when the NRA stopped Mr. Obama's gun legislation cold.
blatham wrote:And as the polling I quoted above demonstrates, many of his positions on guns match the majority of citizens, so I don't know what the hell you're talking of re "political capital". I hope you don't mean with Republicans in Congress as that would be a frigging joke.
When a president has freshly won an election, he has political capital that he can use to persuade members of the opposing party to support his programs.
That's why we spent all that time focused on gun legislation. Mr. Obama was using his political capital to try to force people to pass gun legislation.
If Mr. Obama had used that same political capital to press some other agenda, he likely would have gotten his bills passed.
blatham wrote:You can certainly hang on to your prediction re 2016 and it is a ways away but as I said initially, GOP strategists don't share your optimism...
If it turns out that I'm right, the Republicans will have a pleasant surprise then. Unless they blow it badly, I believe the Republicans will have an easy walk back to the White House in 2016.