Sat 15 May, 2004 11:23 pm
My mom asked me to check out this song, but I can't get a hit with BearShare or on the net, so if anyone has heard it, it's by a female artist, she thinks it's new and the only lyrics she cna remember is
"Momma sang the country into me" Not sure on spelling of Momma.
Blame it on Mama
"Mama sang the country into me..."
Funny thing. I've never posted a reply or been in a chat room, but I was looking for the name also. I finally found it was "Blame it on Mama", by The Jenkins. I didn't think it would be polite to leave your mother hanging! The video is on Yahoo. I have to blame it on Dad, myself. Mom was into Rock and Choir music...
If you play your country records backwards, the bank gives your farm back, your unfaithful wife returns and your dead dog is alive again!!
But what about your GTO? Is it still in the sideyard by the doublewide with it's hood off? Getting the love back in your life is one thing, but getting the hotcar of your youth to run again, that would give meaning to existence, or some such sh1t.