Incidentally I said earlier that we might evolve into purely spiritual life-forms when our bodies die, but let me just say the Bible doesn't make it clear either way.
For example Jesus said to his mates at the last supper-
"The next time I drink wine with you, we'll be drinking it fresh and new in my father's kingdom" (Matt 26:29)
which indicates we'll be able to drink no matter what kind of life-forms we are..
A golf fan once asked evangelist Billy Graham- "Will there be golf courses in heaven?", to which Graham answered- "Yes if you want them to be".
I like that answer because it suggests heaven is like a gigantic holodeck where we can run whatever program we like..
But the bottom line is that heaven will be Paradise no matter what form it is..

Jesus said to the criminal dying on the cross next to him-
“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23: 39-43)
Computer, run "Valley of the Gwanji' holodeck program!