And that's what happens when people don't snap to it and answer you in four hours? You posted when a big chunk of this website is asleep or at work.
But here, I'll answer you. If it bothers you that much, if it ruining your life that badly, then have the surgery, insurance or no insurance. Yeah, it's expensive, so maybe see about seeing a psychiatrist first and, perhaps, a diagnosis of depression (because I bet you've got it) might spur your insurance company to at least cover the hospital stay or anesthesia or some other portion of the procedure.
Is it expensive? Yes. So is feeling crappy for your entire existence. Consider this a priority, and a goal, and work toward it like you would work toward buying a new car, or putting a down payment on a house. Will this bankrupt you? I have no idea. But you clearly seem very, very down, and have fixated on this condition as being the one thing that is keeping you from being happy (BTW, that is a dangerous thought process but hey, we'll go with it for now).
See an obstacle? Then find a way around it or through it. It might not be easy, but if you work toward your goal, you will know that you are going in the right direction.