Mon 10 May, 2004 09:32 pm
I ran across some of their lyrics and then their home site. I don't know what they sound like, but they are interesting.
Cesspools in Eden
by Dead Kennedys
Poison is bubbling beneath your dreamhome
Buried there years before
Kid runs in crying from playing in the garden
"Mommy, I burned my hands!"
"What's making our eyes so itchy?"
"Don't rub 'em, they'll swell up."
Oh, Oh Oh Oh
It's the big waste dump!
We built your ticky-tacky houses on landfill soil
To cover up a gift we left you years before
Of toxic chemicals and leaking gas
Just dig a little while, you'll find our acid baths
Cesspools in Eden
Oozing away
Groundwater's poisoned, air stinks like hell
The lines for doctors grow long
Over martinis, the company laughs
"We don't owe you one damn thing."
But what about all these fainting spells?
How'd you like a lick from my open sores?
And Oh, Oh Oh Oh
Why are our babies stillborn?
A storage tank's leaking, it's about to explode
Why evacuate when you can watch the fun?
Nothing happens here, get out the lawn chairs
We'll drink pink lemonade and watch Martinez burn
Cesspools in Eden
Oozing away
Cesspools in Eden
Leak by the day
The land we sold you is right atop our acid pits
We fill them by the truckload in the dead of night
There's thousands more toxic tips of the iceberg
We pay a little bribe or we just don't report them
And see what you get:
Cesspools in Eden
In Eden
No accident,
Just a little of our greed-fueled negligence
So you've found the proof why your cancer rate's shot up
But whatcha gonna do when we've got all the cards?
Times Beach, Rocky Flats, Love Canal & Bhopal
Merry Christmas, hostages, from the folks that care
Cesspools in Eden
Oozing away
Cesspools in Eden
Leak by the day
Cesspools in Eden
In Eden...
Have a nice day!
they're pretty hardcore punk, some good political stuff
the lead singer is currently big into anti wto rallys (and other causes) and has done more spoken word than singing lately
I have avoided these guys for 25 years. Now I find I love the stuff they write.
Dear Abby was awesome...
Religous Vomit
Ketone Poisoning
Nazi Punks F - Off !!!
Bedtime for Bonzo
oh Yeah and Rawhide......
Dog Bite on my leg...
not right supposed to beg...
Thanks a friend of mine doglover brought me here..
we both got banned at the local newspaper bulletin board.
but man DK is awesome....
wow, the Dead Kennedys. Blast from the past.
Two of my favourites from "Frankenchrist". I am proud to own the original vinyl album with the bonus H.R. Giger poster that was banned from later releases of the album.
This Could Be Anywhere (This Could Be Everywhere)"
Cold concrete apartments
Rise up from wet black asphalt
Below them a few carcasses
Of the long gone age of privacy
It takes a scary kind of illness
To design a place like this for pay
Downtown's an endless generic mall
Of video games and fast food chains
One by one
The little houses are bricked up and condemned
A subtle hint to move
Before the rats move in
This could be anywhere
This could be everywhere
Those new kids at school seem cool
But dad says not to talk to them
Stick to your old friends
They're not our kind
So now there's lots of fights
So many people I know
Come of age tense and bitter-eyed
Can't create so they just destroy
Let's set someone's dog on fire
Empty plastic
Culture slum suburbia
Is a war zone now
Sprouting the kinds of gangs
We thought we'd left behind
This could be anywhere
This could be everywhere
Kids at school are taking sides
Along color and uniform lines
My dad's gone and bought a gun
He says he's fed up
With crime in this town
This could be anywhere
This could be everywhere
This could be anywhere
This could be everywhere
I hope I'm gone before it explodes
I linger late at night
Waiting for the bus
No amount of neon jazz
Could hide the oozing vibes of death
My dad's a vigilante now
He's bringing home these weird-ass friends
Like the guy who fires blanks at his TV
When Kojak's on
Or the guy who shows off his submachine gun
To his sixteen-year-old daughter's friends
Whose sense of pride and hope
Is being in the police reserve
This could be anywhere
This could be everywhere-Everywhere
"M.T.V.-Get Off The Air"
Fun Fun Fun in the fluffy chair
Flame up the herb
Woof down the beer
I'm your video DJ
I always talk like I'm wigged out on quaaludes
I wear a satin baseball jacket everywhere I go
My job is to help destroy
What's left of your imagination
By feeding you endless doses
Of sugar-coated mindless garbage
So don't create
Be sedate
Be a vegetable at home
And thwack on that dial
If we have our way even you will believe
This is the future of rock and roll
How far will you go
How low will you stoop
To tranquilize our minds with your sugar-coated swill
You've turned rock and roll rebellion
Into Pat Boone sedation
Making sure nothing's left to the imagination
M.T.V. Get off the
M.T.V. Get off the
M.T.V. Get off the air
Get off the air
See the latest rejects from the muppet show
Wag their tits and their dicks
As they lip-synch on screen
There's something I don't like
About a band who always smiles
Another tax write-off
For some schmuck who doesn't care
M.T.V. Get off the air
And so it was
Our beloved corporate gods
Claimed they created rock video
Allowing it to sink as low in one year
As commercial TV has in 25
"It's the new frontier," they say
It's wide open, anything can happen
But you've got a lot of nerve
To call yourself a pioneer
When you're too god-damn conservative
To take real chances.
Graph-paper brained accountants
Instead of music fans
Call all the shots at giant record companies now
The lowest common denominator rules
Forget honesty
Forget creativity
The dumbest buy the mostest
That's the name of the game
But sales are slumping
And no one will say why
Could it be they put out one too many lousy records?!?
M.T.V.-Get off the air!
I was avoiding these guys all these years because of their name. Boy was I surprised.
I was a big fan in my youth. They are surprising.